Functional Retard Levi Johnston To Sue Bristol Palin For Joint Custody of Tripp!

Levi Johnston claims that Sarah Palin called her little (retarded) child retarded. And so what! This baboon Levi Johnston is planning to pose in Playgirl Magazine – always a nice job for a young father… . And now the moron Levi wants to sue for joint custody of the baby who’s name is Tripp !?!?!? What is wrong with these people?

Are they simply trailer trash or is this actually what happens when a mother is too busy pursuing a career to look after her daughter? My guess is that both suppositions are correct – the Palins and Levi behave like 100% White Trash and Bristol obviously did not receive much mothering when it counted from Sarah. And where did they get the name Tripp? It’s as though the Stupid Angel not only landed on the Palins and Levi but he took up permanent residence with them.