More Details About Jett Travolta’s Death

The police are sticking by their story that Jett Travolta was left unattended for more than 10 hours, but family friends are not in agreement.  They say his family and his two nannies had been boating on January 1. They returned to their townhouse at the Old Bahama Bay Hotel at around 6 PM. Jett was tired, went into his bedroom and went to sleep.

Nanny Jeff Kathrein watched TV in the adjoining room. The other nanny, Eli, returned to the townhouse at around 11:30 PM. Both Jeff and Eli turned in at around that time. After Jeff got up, he went into the bathroom and discovered Jett laying on the floor.  As for when Jett was last seen, cops say it was the at around 11:30 the night of January 1, when he went to the bathroom. Michael McDermott, John Travolta’s lawyer and close friend, says Eli or Jeff may have gone into that bathroom during the middle of the night so the time frame would have been compressed.

TMZ is also reporting that Jett had suffered from grand mal seizures in the past.  The grand mal seizures Jett suffered were "frequent and extremely serious".  The medication he was taking for the seizures was Depakote but apparently it did not work anymore so the medication was stopped because he took it for several years and it lost its effectiveness.

Travolta and Preston, after consulting neurosurgeons, stopped administering the drug. No one is suggesting withdrawal of the medicine in any way caused the fatal episode.

The coroner is suppose to determine the cause of death tomorrow.