Scientologists Say They Played No Part In Jett Travolta’s Death

Jett Travolta’s death certificate lists "seizure" as the cause of death.  There have been many stories that Scientology practices might have played a part in how the Travolta family cared for their son.   Rumours about Jett being autistic have been going around for years.  However his parent have denied this.  It could be because Scientology will not recognize the disability, let alone the therapies for treating it.

MSNBC is reporting that in response to the claim that the family might not have sought appropriate, conventional medical treatment for Jett’s seizures, Tommy Davis from Scientology International says that simply isn’t allowed under Scientology practices.

“Scientologists seek conventional medical treatment for medical conditions. Scientologists use prescription drugs when physically ill and also rely on the advice and treatment of medical doctors. The church does not involve itself in the diagnosis or classification of any medical condition,” says Davis. 

This is all such a terrible tragedy, to lose a child would be unbearble pain for any parent.   I really hope that their affiliation with the Church of Scientology did not stand in the way of searching for a correct diagnosis of their beloved son’s condition.

I am sure that John and Kelly loved their son very much…I just hope they were not blinded by the rules and doctrines of Scientology…What a waste of a life that would have been and what a terrible terrible thing for them to have to live with.