Is A Divorce For Elin & Tiger Imminent?

It is being reported that Elin has had enough of Tiger and his infidelities.    Apparently the recent Nike video which featured Tiger’s father’s voice was the final straw for Elin.   The video is tacky and in bad taste.   

Rumor has it that is all that is left is to iron out the final divorce details between Tiger & Elin.  Good for Elin how can she be expected to forgive his many indiscretions.  One affair is bad enough but the man has had more than ten.  He is clearly a man who does not want to be married.  I said from the beginning all the apologies etc. were bullsh?!.  Tiger did not care that he got caught with all those women – all he cared about was his sponsors. 

If Tiger really wanted to make his marriage work he would have taken a break from golf and not headed back so soon.  Tiger may have a huge fan base – but I am not one.  Team Elin!