Mike Tyson Investigation Prompted By PETA – Investigate KFC Please

The perpetual morons at PETA have decided to ask the police in New York City to investigate Tyson’s pigeon racing reality show. This is not cock-fighting or dog-fighting but pigeon racing. Every one knows that pigeon aficionados love their pigeons and take great care of them but PETA insists on sticking their ugly beaks once again into business where they don’t belong.

I suggest PETA take on KFC currently owned by YUM Brands. Now there is no doubt about the inhumane treatment suffered by the stunted chickens reared and butchered by KFC, is there? Please see this video narrated by out favorite scholar Pam Anderson if you really want to see what is wrong with KFC and why PETA needs to get serious about their work and leave poor Mike Tyson alone.