Want To Meet A Prince – Got $500,000? Call 1-800-222-FERGIE

Seems Poor Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson ex wife of Prince Andrew is in dire straights for money.  Fergie got punked by News Of The World.   Fergie promised an undercover agent working for News Of The World an introduction to the prince.  However, Fergie put a price on the introduction of 500,000 pounds.  She lied to the reporter and said she had spoken to her ex-husband Andrew and said this is the amount Andrew told her to ask for.   She told the reporter as she pocketed $40K "Look after me and he’ll look after you"   The exchange was caught on video HERE

Seems like Fergie is again in hot water and is sure to shock the Queen and the Royal Family for suggesting that Prince Andrew could be party to such a scam.  I wonder how much Fergie charges for a date with the Queen? ;-)