Andrew Dice Clay ‘Out-Rants’ Charlie Sheen During Interview

Andrew Dice Clay 'Out-Charlies' Charlie Sheen During Interview Rant

Outrageous comedian Andrew Dice Clay let lose on Charlie Sheen and Gilbert Gottfried with a verbal blast that makes Charlie sound like he studied the Dale Carnegie course.  The Diceman definitely doesn’t think Charlie is winning – in fact he thinks the Two and a Half Men star needs help and badly.

The Diceman is well known his crude act and rants, but even he seems disgusted by Charlie Sheen’s recent antics and you can watch and listen to a video of his  f***- filled rant HERE.

Clearly not amused by Sheen’s career implosion and public spectacle, Andrew says: “Nobody has got the balls to tell this guy how f***ed up he is.  He’s on TV terrorizing newscasters because they’ve seen him waving a f***ing machete in the air. He’s f***ing saying, ‘I’m winning.’   “Let me tell you something Charlie, I used to be a big fan of what you do, you did some great movies in the past, you had the opportunity to be on one of the greatest sitcoms of this f***ing decade and then you go on TV and promote f***ing drugs, you call that winning?”

“You call winning when there’s f***ing custody battles, your kids are being taken from you and you’re living with two f***ing porno actresses that I could watch on YouTube, (bleeping) myself off and shut on the off button?   You call that f***ing winning when you get f***ing fired from a hit f***ing sitcom?  You call that winning?  “And you think you’re f***ing winning going from a hit show to a f***ing cooking show tossing a f***ing salad?”  “I’m sick of watching the Charlie f***ing Sheen show.”

Clay ended his angry explosion telling Sheen, “You’re not a rock star, you’re not a comic.  You’re the biggest f***ing loser in the world as far as I’m concerned, okay?  Go get the help you f***ing need.”  “Nobody’s on Twitter saying, ‘Charlie’s great, Charlie’s winning.  Everybody’s watching you fall and everybody’s afraid to say it to you.  Get f***ing help.”

The Dice Man’s tirade began when a New York Post reporter asked Clay what he thought of Gilbert Gottfried making fun of tsunami victims in Japan, and after some brief comments he ripped into Sheen. 

“Who gives a f*** about Gilbert?,” said the one-of-a-kind comic, while wearing a dirty gym shirt, an eye patch and waving a cigarette.  “Forget about him, what about this a***hole that everyone is scared to say anything about.  This a***hole Charlie Sheen, with all his ranting and all the attention that he’s getting.”

The Diceman is great – want the bottom line – just ask him!

Image credit to DJDM /