Lindsay Lohan Promotes E-Cigarettes (Photo)

Lindsay Lohan Promotes E-Cigarettes (Photo)

Rehabbed actress Lindsay Lohan is not having a hard time during her home confinement. As a matter of fact, since she knew she would be away from the daily prying lens of the paparazzi, she set up a photo shoot for a magazine.

And if you’re wondering if she’s making money? Duh, she’s a Lohan! Of course she can’t go out, so she brings the photographers to her. Not only that, but she’s also into product endorsements.

So don’t think those 35 days that Lindsay has off due to her “alleged” sticky fingers will be wasted without any profits to be made. Lindsay is now spending her time reading scripts and endorsing a line of electronic cigarettes.

The company Blu Cigs, has sent around several snaps of Lindsay smoking their products instead of her regular cigarette habit. They say she “is determined to better her career and her health and has started using Blu Cigs as a deterrent to lighting up.”

Anything for the almighty dollar, right?