Michele Bachmann And Her John Wayne Mix-Up — A Big Woopsie (Video)

Michele Bachmann And Her John Wayne Mix-Up -- A Big Woopsie (Video)

Wow, Michele Bachmann, wow. You’ve just announced your decision to run for President of the U.S.A. and already you have a hilarious oopsie-woopsie-doodle (a hardcore political term for hardcore political analysts like me) under your belt.

Just after she announced her decision on FOX to run for president, the politician compared herself to another proud citizen of her great city of Waterloo, Iowa. Yep, none other than John Wayne. Now, there is a John Wayne that lived in Waterloo, but it’s not quite the gun-slingin’-wild-west-all-American John Wayne she had in mind.

Not at all. The “John Wayne” that lived in Waterloo is actually John Wayne Gacy, the “Killer Clown” infamous for murdering 33 teenage boys in the 70s.

You might not be liked by a ton of people, Michele, but I don’t think any of those people would compare you to a crazy-crazy serial killer.

Michele had this to say about her mistake: “”I wish I could be perfect. I’m a substantive, serious person [who has] a good sense on how to turn the economy around.” When asked how she felt about the real John Wayne — the legendary actor she’d been referencing in the first place — she said, “That’s the kind of spirit I have.”

After mangling crucial historical details regarding the Revolutionary War and now this, Bachmann is sure to be prime material for the late night talk shows and SNL. What a way to kick off the campaigns! Watch Michele Bachmann channeling the spirit of John Wayne in the clip below, courtesy of Perez.

Image Credit to: Hawaii Reporter