Katy Perry Screams Keep That Crackhead Lindsay Lohan Away From Me!

Katy Perry Screams Keep That Crackhead Lindsay Lohan Away From Me!

It all started when Katy Perry decided to throw a 90’s themed, roller skating party on July 14th. Lindsay Lohan crashed the bash uninvited and Katy ended up screaming, ‘Keep that train wreck away from me!‘ after Kracken Lindsay became a bit of a clinger.  The perpetual mess and serial car crasher, who has had no less than five unsuccessful rehab stints, latched onto Katy and it freaked the pop star out beyond belief according to the National Enquirer:

Lindsay showed up “dressed like a bag lady and she started acting really weird. She refused to talk to any­one and she kept following Katy around, trying to take a photo with her. Katy told friends, ‘I think she may be drunk, so PLEASE keep her away from me!’ She hates to hurt people’s feelings, but she’s the first one to tell you she’s avoiding all ‘Debbie Downers’ – and Lindsay was reek­ing of negativity. She finally took the hint and left.”

Can’t you just see Katy trying to dodge the hot mess on skates gunning for her?  Can you blame her for not wanting to be associated with Lindsay?  Actually, can you think of anyone at all in Hollywood at this point that admits to being friends with Lindsay?  It must feel pretty awful to watch people scatter whenever you walk through the door.  I wonder if Lindsay even realizes that she has that startling effect on people.

Will Lindsay ever get it together and redeem herself enough so that people like Katy Perry will want to be associated with her?  And it isn’t as though Katy Perry is exactly royalty herself.  Marrying that rude degenerate Russell Brand pretty much places Katy into Kracken territory herself.  Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

Katy Perry Screams Keep That Crackhead Lindsay Lohan Away From Me!