Big Brother 15 Spoiler – McCrae Olson Wins PoV Competition and Destroys The Exterminators Alliance – Episode 33 Week 11!

Big Brother 15 Spoiler - McCrae Olson Wins PoV Competition and Destroys The Exterminators Alliance - Episode 33 Week 11!

Big Brother 15 has run the Week 11 Pov competition to be aired on Episode 33, Wednesday, September 11 and we have the results.  As we all know The Exterminators alliance are planning to deep six McCrae Olson and eliminate the last trace of Amanda Zuckerman’s reign of terror.  With Spencer Clawson as HoH having nominated  McCrae and GinaMarie Zimmerman for evicition and Andy Herren, the slimy snake, firmly in Spencer’s pocket, you can be certain that GinaMarie and Judd Dougherty are losing their pee brains over today’s PoV competition. Why?  Because McCrae won!!!

Yes that’s right – the 1 snake and 3 morons who comprise The Exterminators could not hold of McCrae from ruining their plans and busting up their alliance.  So now either Andy, GinaMarie or Judd will be evicted from the Big Brother House and going to the Jury on Episode 33, Wednesday September 11th in an early elimination episode.  I’ll bet Amanda will be might pleased! Which one of the three will it be?

Stay with CDL to learn the latest updates on all that happens on the Big Brother 15!