Taylor Swift Fan Meet And Greet Cancelled After Charles Z, “Creepy Old Man,” Wins Contest

Taylor Swift Fan Meet And Greet Cancelled After Creepy Old Man Wins Contest

Well, I bet the organizers of the meet and greet didn’t expect that. Taylor Swift’s team had organized a meet and greet for her ‘biggest fan’, a contest of sorts. However, the meet and greet was swiftly cancelled after the organizers found out that the winner was a creepy older man.

Charles Z., a 39 year old who won the radio contest, will not be meeting Taylor Swift despite the rules of the contest. He wrote on the contest web page, “I’m a 39 year old man and I love Taylor so much and don’t care that both adults and children mock me for it. But I feel 22 if that helps.”

You wouldn’t think that this man would win this type of contest, but nobody counted on some help from Reddit. According to the contest, every fan would post a message on the contest’s web page, and the comment that got the most ‘up’ votes would then be selected as the winner. The winner would get a meet and greet plus photo opportunity with Taylor, and then a ticket to one of her concerts.

So the guys over at Reddit, after they got a hold of this guy’s comment, decided use an ‘automated voting script’ to bump of the votes for Charles’ comment. Obviously, this requires no small amount of technical skill, and Charles eventually ended up winning.

So obviously the guys over Kiss 108, the radio station hosting the contest, decided to call the whole thing off, saying, “Disappointingly, we have determined that the integrity of the ‘Taylor Swift’s Biggest Fan’ contest has been compromised. In accordance with our contest rules, effective immediately, the contest has been terminated. We apologize to all of our loyal listeners who have participated.” I wonder if they would have continued with the contest if they knew that Reddit had not interfered. What if this 39 year old man managed to win without any outside help? Would they have continued and kept to their word? Somehow, I doubt it. Taylor has a lot of interesting friends, but I don’t think she would have been up for becoming buddies with this guy.

Let us know what you guys think in the comments.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

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