Code Black Recap 9/30/15: Season 1 Episode 1 Premiere “Pilot”

Code Black Recap 9/30/15: Season 1 Episode 1 Premiere "Pilot"

Tonight on CBS Code Black airs with an all new Wednesday September 30, season 1 premiere called, “Pilot,” and we have your weekly recap below! On tonight’s episode, Doctors and nurses fight to save lives in the country’s busiest ER.

For those of you who don’t know, Code Black is about Doctors and nurses fight to save lives in the country’s busiest ER.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Doctors and nurses fight to save lives in the country’s busiest ER. In the opener, four new first-year residents are immediately put to work by the ER’s tough-minded residency director Dr. Leanne Rorish.”

This is definitely one series that you don’t want to miss. Don’t forget to stay tuned to Celeb Dirty Laundry where we will be live blogging the season 1 premiere of Black Code.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

On their first night on the job, the new residents at the LA County Hospital was given the shock of their lives.

They had all become doctors because they wanted to save people. But down in the emergency room, sometimes saving lives can’t be done with typical methods. So they were introduced to the Mama and Papa of the floor and it turns out Papa wasn’t afraid to teach her students about suspended animation.

At the time, a patient had been bleeding out and unfortunately there were simply not enough resources down in the ER. Thus Dr. Leanne Rorish had to do the impossible and she chose to use an experimental procedure such as suspended animation to keep her patient alive. And that meant she drained her patient of blood and replaced with saline thereby killing him to save him.

And amazingly that plan of hers worked.

The patient did survive but not everyone appreciated Rorish’s methods. A former student of hers and a current attendee felt like she had too many risks with someone else’s life. And so he wasn’t afraid to report to the Chief of staff.

However, the chief and more importantly the board loves Rorish. The residents that survive her unorthodox teaching methods go on to have fulfilling careers. So they don’t see anything wrong with what she’s doing if they still get great results and that’s something Dr. Neal Hudson is simply going to have to live with.

Neal though didn’t always used to fight Rorish on her methods. Again, he was a student of hers and there’s the impression that he once had a great amount of respect for her. So something must have changed to have affected their relationship.

And in the meantime, they were so caught up in both wanting to be right that they didn’t know how to handle a case together. A father and a daughter came in both seriously injured. But only the daughter was conscious.

So Rorish took on the father’s case and to her regret she realized there was nothing she could do. He was already brain dead by time he arrived. And someone needed to inform the daughter. Rorish tried to do that but she kept on messing that part up.

Then, afterwards, she attempted to ignore the bereaved girl and merely leave it to social workers to deal with it.

And that right there is perhaps why Neal no longer reveres her as he used to. Like he told the chief, and later to Rorish’s face, somewhere along the way she forgot about the patients. They used to be her top priority but now she just cares about letting them loose as fast as possible. As if the ER had suddenly become a numbers game.

Neal said he didn’t think that was right and, on tonight’s episode, Rorish might have gotten her eyes opened for her. Earlier, she had told a couple of newbies that if they couldn’t find a thing wrong with a pregnant patient then maybe they should pass her off to a case worker to check if it’s a drug problem. Only one resident felt they should be looking more into their patient’s symptoms rather than trying to pawn her off.

So on the first day of class, a resident went rogue. And was then promptly fired for it because Rorish said “if she couldn’t trust you then she couldn’t have you around”.

And yet Christa saw something no one else did. So she realized that what the patient had been suffering from was carbon monoxide poisoning. The symptoms of that often mimic the flu and so that proves their patient wasn’t just trying to score drugs by lying.

And in spite of getting fired, Christa tracked down her patient and was luckily found her in time to call an ambulance.

The patient had lost consciousness and, with her out of it, it suddenly critical for her to deliver her baby. So Christa had to perform a caesarian in the back of an ambulance. Meanwhile, the rest of the residents that hadn’t been fired, was back in the ER and Rorish was mostly cleaning up after them.

Two residents missed the fact the kid they had been treating had his head. So that kid needed someone to drill a whole into his skull. And another newbie froze up while trying re-inflate a ten year old’s lung. Though the real kicker was that Christa hadn’t been on that pregnant woman’s case alone. She had teamed up with Mario and he had ignored what was right in front of him because of his own prejudices that Rorish inadvertently allowed.

So after such a night in the ER, Rorish decided it was in her patients’ best interest to take a couple of lessons from Christa who also happened to have lost someone. And not only did she decide to start looking after her patients again, but she also rehired Christa.

Later she found that young girl that had lost her father and she introduced her to the girl that had received her father’s heart. And though you wound’s think that was a lot – it helped a grieving child realize her father hadn’t left her after all.