General Hospital Spoilers: Fan Outrage Over Silas Clay’s Death – Will GH Bring Michael Easton Back?

General Hospital Spoilers: Fan Outrage Over Silas Clay's Death - Will GH Bring Michael Easton Back?

General Hospital spoilers explain the fan outrage over Michael Easton’s departure and as if TPTB at GH will bring Silas Clay back from the dead? We all know that Ron Carlivati’s ousting at General Hospital was way overdue, but since GH shoots scenes several weeks to more than a month in advance, the question is – when will the Carlivati chaos end? Case in point: fans are outraged at Silas Clay (Michael Easton) being written out of the show in a recent shocking murder scene. A petition has even been launched captioned “Bring Back Michael Easton to General Hospital” that has already garnered thousands of fan signatures. But will the new writers hearken the call?

The new ladies in charge at General Hospital, co-head writers Jean Passanante and Jenny Altman, have both worked with or under Ron Carlivati, but we have to hope they did not drink the Carlivati Kool-Aid and will provide us fresher plots, faster pacing and better use of characters. But when will the Carlivati created scenes be done and the fresh material appear? And can Passanante and Altman change any of Calivati’s disastrous story lines mid-stream?

Budget is a big deal on soap sets, so anything that Carlivati shot will be used no matter how unsatisfactory it is to fans. So Passanante and Altman will have to build from the messy foundation Carlivati has left them – that’s a hard fact. And part of that mess is the Silas Clay killing. It’s no surprise really that Easton was written out – the part of Silas has been increasingly marginalized for some time despite that he’s a fan fave and that Silas is a great character with a lot of depth and potential.

But will the new writers bring back the beloved doc? Based on Silas being face down on the floor, not moving and with a bloody stab wound in the back, it’s not likely. Plus, he’s been there a while so there’s no easy explanation for his spontaneous revival. And since Silas is already the good side of an evil doppelganger scenario, don’t look for Easton to be brought back via that plot mechanism. The sad fact is, that unless Silas somehow faked his death tableau (he is a doctor after all), he’s good and dead.

But, never lose hope soap fans, there is still a way… Consider these options:

Easton is brought back and everyone remarks that he looks so much like Dr Silas Clay, but it turns out he’s a cousin who just bears a remarkable resemblance (much like Luke and Bill Eckert).

Easton is brought back as a wholly new character who was such a mega fan of Clay’s evil twin Caleb Morley that he had plastic surgery to resemble the rockstar/vampire.

Easton is brought back as an all-new character and no one ever mentions that he looks like the deceased Dr Clay.

Personally, the last one would be great since it would be hilarious for the writers to slyly reference here and there but never mention out right that the new guy in town looks like Silas. Nina Clay (Michelle Stafford) could be inexplicably attracted to him. Kiki Jerome (Hayley Erin) could date him and then when they kiss could mention how horribly awkward it was then call it off. This is something that could be a lot of fun – but will likely not happen.

But before we say that Silas Clay cannot come back from an evident and violent death, let’s not forget that Jake Spencer (James Nigbor) survived being run over by his grandfather’s car, failed surgery and a flatlined death from a coma. If you need evidence of miracles in the world, look no further than your favorite ABC soap. While it’s a frail hope that Silas could be similarly resurrected, hope is always a nice thing to have.

Farewell Michael Easton, you will be missed! Check back with CDL often for more “General Hospital” news, spoilers and updates.