The Mysteries of Laura Recap – “The Mystery of the Maternal Instinct”: Season 2 Episode 7

The Mysteries of Laura Recap -  "The Mystery of the Maternal Instinct": Season 2 Episode 7

Tonight on NBC The Mysteries of Laura continues with an all new Wednesday November 4, season 2 episode 7 called, “The Mystery of the Maternal Instinct” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode the body of a pregnant woman is found on the side of the road while the team is pursuing an international smuggling ring, and before long.

On the last episode, a gym owner was killed when he’s trapped in his own sauna, so the team investigated the world of fitness extremists and uncovered an unanticipated threat. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC synopsis, “the body of a pregnant woman is found on the side of the road while the team is pursuing an international smuggling ring, and before long, they make a surprising discovery about the goods being trafficked.”

We will be blogging The Mysteries of Laura season 2 episode 7 with all the up-to-the-minute details at 8PM EST so make sure to come back to this spot and watch the show with us. Make sure to refresh often so you get the most current info! In the meantime, sound out in the comments and let us know what you think of the series.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

A pregnant woman was murdered in broad daylight on tonight’s episode of “The Mysteries of Laura” and all the witness could say was that she saw a white man fleeing the scene.

Yet with no initial suspect or even an ID on their murder victim, Captain Santiani was coming down hard on her detectives. She tends to wants answers on the quick but this time around the situation had made her feel like they could do more. Their victim had been pregnant at time of her death and it was thanks to the fast response at the scene that she was able to be rushed to the hospital for an emergency caesarean. So the child had survived its mother’s ordeal and sadly he was going to be in the ICU for a while because of what had happened.

The victim had a pre-existing condition. She had a rupture in her placenta that would have always resulted in an unconventional birth. However her condition was exacerbated when she was attacked. The Medical Examiner said their victim had fought her attacker before her head had hit the pavement. Thus what began as a small tear was enlarged because of a fight.

Therefore their victim’s death might not have been intentional. She was after all found on Hooker’s Row and pimps generally don’t like it when their girls can’t work because of a pregnancy. So the detectives were theorizing that maybe the victim had a pimp that wanted to teach her lesson and it just got out of hand.

But Meredith and Billy went down to Hooker Row and no one can recall seeing their victim. So when a pimp decided to make Meredith’s day harder, the detectives were then given cause to arrest the man going by Vlady. And dragged him down to the station.

And without an audience, Vlady wasn’t so cocky. In fact he was downright helpful. He took a second look at the picture of their victim and he told the cops what she had been into. For it seems that fresh tattoo on the victim was not gang related. It was meant to show that she belongs to the Nigerian smugglers.

A group of women that come from Benin City, Nigeria were used to smuggle things in and out of the country. So the guys had Max looked into women that had recently come into the country and were pregnant and he found DJ. DJ had come in on a tourist visa and she had used a hotel as place of temporary residence.

Yet it doesn’t look like she ever used her hotel room. Down at reception, the people there can clearly recall that she would frequently book herself a room and just wait for a white van to pick her from the lobby. And for some reason no one found that strange.

Including the busboy that tried to do everything possible to avoid detection. So Laura and Jake decided to ask the shifty young man what he really knew about their victim. And he told them that it had been part of his job to call in whenever the girls arrived. That way they could be immediately picked up and moved to the second location.

However that second location proved the smugglers had taken to locking up their girls. When the cops arrived on the scene, they had to bust a locked door down to get to the woman inside. It seems she was one of the Nigerian women used for transfer and so she had some knowledge of their victim. She said that DJ had been a new face to come through and that she hadn’t seen her for a bit.

Which in their case could mean anything. Apparently there are a lot of women that start out in the business and that are just never heard from again. But people back home try to believe that those same women were either arrested or living free in the U.S.

Only the woman they were speaking with had been in the business for while. She was used to swallowing balloons of gems to carry them over and typically no one has ever locked her into a room before. So that alerted the detectives because if the smugglers were starting something new then they must have had a reason to be suspicious.

And it turns out they did have a valid. DJ had used a window to escape them thereby causing the rupture in her placenta to widen.

But DJ hadn’t gone back to her hotel after she had gotten away from the smugglers. So, once the detectives got her bag back from the same smugglers she had to ditch, they looked through DJ’s things and did their best to figure out where else she would go. And that’s how they were eventually able to find an address on 5th Avenue.

Now that area is very upscale so the detectives that maybe the apartment had been used as a front yet what they found there had no connection to gem smuggling. Not if smugglers were suddenly into offering maternity care to expectant mothers. So Laura and Jake got all of the details surrounding Ambaby.

Ambaby offers foreigners the chance to have their babies on US soil. Therefore making all of their children dual citizens. But the women there weren’t like DJ. They had all come from money and were paying quite a fee for a safe delivery.

So DJ didn’t really fit it. Though that didn’t stop the man from behind Ambaby from offering DJ the chance to have her baby with his supplied nurses and doctors. Especially as DJ was still able to meet the fee after making her escape.

But the nurse assigned to DJ was someone that Jake and Laura knew well. For it was the same woman that had pretended to be a witness.

It seems she accidentally had injured the woman in her care and then just panicked afterwards. So that’s why she dragged DJ’s body to a drop site thereby putting the baby at risk and causing the blow on the back of DJ’s head. And it was her plan to simply leave the other woman but then a street cleaner came by so she pretended to be a witness.

Though fortunately her DNA was found all over the victim’s clothing and detectives have a tight case against her. And as for the baby, they found relatives of his living in retirement community down in Florida.