Sandra Bullock Has “$900 Guilt Shoes”

Sandra Bullock ‘The Blind Side’ actress – who collected the Best Actress Oscar last week for her performance in the film – said she doesn’t like to shop because she feels pressured into buying expensive items she ends up never wearing.

She said: “I love clothes, but I don’t like to shop. I’ve learnt from painful mistakes about the pressure in the store to pay exorbitant amounts for stuff that isn’t right, and five years later it’s still in your closet with the tag on it. I have $900 guilt shoes. I’m thinking about putting them on a shelf with a spotlight on them to remind me about such mistakes.”

Sandra – who is married to TV presenter Jesse James, with whom she raises three children – also said people don’t understand when she is being sarcastic, especially when she send them SMS messages.

She added: “Oh yes, I’m sarcastic all the time, especially in texts, but people seem to miss it. You can’t do inverted commas on the phone. I need some sort of sarcasm mark, it would make relationships so much easier.”   Meanwhile, She has recently revealed she wants her Oscar placed on the front of her car.   She said: “I’m going to have Jesse weld the Oscar to the hood of the car.   "It will be there to remind me as I do the school and grocery runs. I’m taking my award food shopping. More people will see it."   Photo: Fame Pictures

Robyn Good: