Tiger Woods & NFL Players Treated By Steroid Selling Dr Anthony Galea

In a federal criminal complaint filed in Buffalo, New York, Dr Galea was charged with unlawful HGH distribution, lying to US officials, conspiracy to defraud, smuggling and interstate commerce with the unapproved drug actovegin. Actovegin, a drug extracted from calf’s blood, is illegal in the US and not approved for use in Canada.

Dr. Anthony Galea has supplied top-level athletes like Tiger Woods with Human Growth Hormone and has done other treatments on them like "blood spinning" in which the patient’s own blood is extracted and the platelets separated from the whole blood and then injected as needed.   According to court documents, Dr Galea’s clients include at least three current or former National Football League (NFL) players, one of whom allegedly had two HGH kits delivered to his home, while another received actovegin injections.

Charges involved only unnamed NFL players, although Dr Galea is also known to have treated other sports figures, including world golf number one Tiger Woods and several prominent baseball players.   Looks like Tiger Woods list of lies just never stops growing – this golfing creep is a real Pinocchio.

Dr. Jody Overland:
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