Categories: Blind Items

Hump Day Blind Items!

As we start the count down until Spring — only four more days.  I am hoping it means no more snow but I am not counting on it — – we have some fun for you to pass the time so just sit back, relax and enjoy our Blind Items!

As usual I don’t have many guesses but… when I read Number 1-  I thought of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.  Number 2 – My first guess is Blake Lively, and that is a big guess.  Number 3 – I have so many candidates I cannot imagine which one it could be.  What do you think?  Do you agree with my guesses or do you have a better idea of who the blind items might refer to? 

1. This A list celebrity husband is so afraid of losing his wife to a good looking costar that he is really stepping it up in the romance department. Just last month he sent his wife several dozen flowers ‘for no reason’ and took her on a trip. He hired a life coach to give him ideas on how to spice things up and he’s really trying hard. Little does he know that he hasn’t lost his wife to his costar, but to his gardener.  BLIND GOSSIP

2. This actress who is B/C list (mostly television) wants a role in an upcoming buzz-worthy film so much that she decided to follow in the footsteps of another popular actress. She had heard about an A lister who had iced her nipples before auditions to get the part. Our actress did this before her audition but apparently didn’t think it through and put the ice on the outside of her shirt. When she walked in to say her lines the director asked, “Ummm, are you leaking?”  CDaN

3. This fairly new celebrity couple with two C Listers were out to dinner this week when the male ran into an old flame at a restaurant. The old flame is famous too and was there with her husband. The couples ended up sharing a table and enjoying the meal together. All seemed to be going fine until the ladies left to go to the restroom and there was an apparent argument. The ladies got into it in the bathroom and the C Lister shoved the ex against the wall. The ex left the restroom and stormed to the table, grabbed her stuff and her husband and exited the restaurant. She then went to the C Lister’s car and keyed the door.  BUZZFOTO

Annemarie LeBlanc: