Paul Antinori’s New Book Calls for A Constitutional Convention


Author and former State Attorney for Hillsborough County Florida, Paul Antinori has seen our Constitution abused by the Federal Government for years.  He’s seen in the last 8 years the power of the Federal Government triple in size and the power of the states diminish.; which was not the intention of our founding fathers.

Knowing something must be done, Antinori wrote a book called “A Modest Proposal to Amend the U.S. Constitution” in which he outlines the emergency state we’re in as a country, and what needs to be done to protect our freedoms.  It also discusses the original meaning of the founders regarding the Commerce Clause, General Welfare Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause, and the Tenth Amendment, the tabernacle of Federalism.

“In Article V of the Constitution “the founders gave us the powerful means to challenge the branches of government should they over step the limits of delegated power. It’s time we act on that right” says Antinori.

With items like healthcare reform, unionism, government bailouts and stimulus packages impacting our country and defying the U.S. Constitution;  we can’t sit back and do nothing as our founding and guiding legislative document is disregarded.

To get his book and read his most recent articles visit his website.