Selena Gomez Drinking A Beer! (Photo)

If you think Disney starlet Selena Gomez is giving up her good Disney girl image yet, then you are going to be sadly mistaken. Selena and some friends hit up the Wizarding World Of Harry Potter and got some butter beer!

Nice! A frothy beverage that even us muggles can enjoy!

She has been sporting some pretty racy outfits lately for her concerts, but it’s like she’s turning into Miley Cyrus on us overnight, right? Besides, that beer mustache is non-alcoholic, thank you very much.

Selena posted the photo to her official Facebook page. Cute, right? This might make for a really cute ‘Got Milk?’ advertisement! What do you think?

Did you really think that Selena was going to sully her well respected and earned reputation like that?!?? Nope, she’s doing that already by dating the second coming of the anti-Christ.

*Looks around*

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Beliebers, I didn’t mean it! HONEST!

Roberta Ferguson:
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