Hulk Hogan Fires at Police: Demands They Find the Person Who Leaked his Sex Tape!

In the words of the Hulk himself: Hulk Hogan is angry, brother! We’ve reported quite a bit on Hulk’s sex tape drama, but the tension surrounding the issue continues to escalate after Hulk Hogan and his lawyers have filed an official, criminal report with his local police department in Florida. All in hopes that they’ll be able to track down the criminal who leaked Hulk’s super top secret bedroom rompings with Bubba the Love Sponge‘s estranged wife Heather Clem. Hulk came out on the Howard Stern show and admitted that the tape was filmed six years ago. Well, at least he’s owning up to his tape. Gotta give him credit for that, right? That’s more than some celebs do.

TMZ reports that Hulk and his lawyer David R. Houston “filed the police report with the Clearwater PD this AM, claiming whoever made the tape committed a felony by unlawfully recording Hulk without his consent — and whoever leaked it broke the law by unlawfully running that footage.” Hulk is, of course, hoping this investigation will reveal a trail of breadcrumbs that will lead him right to the person — or people! — responsible for this smackdown.

Hulk already sent out a cease-and-desist letter to Gawker, the site who originally released a clip from the tape, which depicts Hulk having sexytime; however, so far, the website is being unresponsive to Hulk’s demands and is leaving it up for the entire world to see. Reportedly, the woman in the video is Heather Clem, the wife of his best friend, Bubba the Love Sponge — who is, also, perfectly fine with sharing his wife. Weirdness. Hulk and his Hulky world has always been a bit peculiar.

What do you think of Hulk’s recent attempts to fix this scandalous situation? Have you watched the Hulk Hogan sex tape? Should he be going to all this time and effort to find the leaker? Or should he just roll with the flow and let it all go? Let us know in the comments below. We want to hear from you!

Image credit to FameFlynet

Nicholas Sanford:
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