Catherine Giudici & Sean Lowe Schedule TV Wedding — Forces Desiree Hartsock’s Dream Ceremony to Sidelines

Catherine Giudici and Sean Lowe have always considered having their ceremony aired on the television for all to see, and now they’ve officially decided to go forth with their plans for televised nuptials. Desiree Hartsock, who was the recent Bachelorette, was always a bit on the fence — not quite sure whether or not she wanted her dream ceremony aired or held in a more private manner.

Well, she’s decided that she definitely wants the ceremony aired, as she feels it could be the launching off point for her bridal design business, a lifelong dream of hers. There’s only one problem . . . . Catherine and Sean have taken the first TV spot and the network doesn’t want to air the two specials too close together!

It seems now that Desiree and fiance Chris Siegfried are in limbo. They’re forced to wait for an appropriate time, despite wanting to get married ASAP!

“Desiree wasn’t originally on board with the idea of having a TV wedding, but after she thought about it, she realized that this was the perfect opportunity to launch her dream career as a bridal designer,” an insider tells Life & Style. “What’s frustrating is that Sean and Catherine are also having one, so that means ABC will want to space them out.”

Desiree’s always wanted a summer date, which wouldn’t conflict with Sean and Catherine’s time (they want a January date), but the network said Desiree might have to wait for the fall season — because summer generally garners less viewers.

Nicholas Sanford:
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