Dancing With the Stars Recap 9/23/13: Season 17 Episode 2 “Who Was Voted Off?”

Tonight on ABC Dancing With The Stars returns with all the glitz, glitter and drama.  On tonight’s episode the competition heats up with all-new celebrity performances and one couple faces the first dramatic elimination of the season.  Did you watch last week’s premiere episode?  We did and we recapped it right here for you.  If you missed any of the performances from last week, we have all the videos HERE for you to watch!

On last week’s premiere episode it kicked off with a spectacular opening number featuring the entire cast. Each couple then performed a Cha Cha, Foxtrot or Contemporary routine, vying for America’s vote for the first time.

On tonight’s show the competition heats up on a Latin-themed “Dancing with the Stars” as the celebrities take on new dance routines and fight for survival.  Featuring a show-stopping opening number choreographed by Sharna Burgees and Henry Byalikov, the themed evening will require each couple to perform a Samba, Jive, Rumba or Paso. At the end of the night, one couple will face the first nail-biting elimination. The first elimination is determined by combining the judges’ scores from the first two weeks with the public votes from premiere night.

Dance assignments for the night are: Amber and Derek – Jive, Leah and Tony – Samba, Bill and Emma – Jive, Jack and Cheryl – Rumba, Keyshawn and Sharna – Samba, Christina and Mark – Paso Doble, Elizabeth and Val – Samba, Bill and Tyne – Paso Doble, Valerie and Tristan – Paso, Snooki and Sasha – Rumba, Brant and Peta – Rumba and Corbin and Karina – Jive.

Stay tuned to Celeb Dirty Laundry for a full live recap of tonight’s episode. We will keep you up to date on all DWTS news, reviews and spoilers and make sure to check back here regularly for more information on your favorite television shows!

Recap: First up tonight is Elizabeth and Val dancing the Samba. Judges Comments: Len “I’m telling you that was close, Paso Doble is tough. Good job Val”. Bruno “I think I am coming down with scarlet fever, for week two this is incredible”. Carrie Ann “you are in your element, I loved all of it”. Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 8, Len 9, Bruno 8 = 25 + last week’s score of 24 = 49/60

Dancing the Paso Doble are Christina and Mark to Lady Gaga’s “Applause”. Judges Comments: Bruno “You are an intriguing monster you, you put your own stunt in it, I think you missed on a corner, but great performance. Carrie Anne “That was insane, like night and day form last week, you nailed every line, killed it”. Len “It was lovely, with a contemporary twist, you were focused and you were fierce, that was terrific”. Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 9, Len 8, Bruno 8 = 25 + last week’s score 22 = 47/60

Dancing the Jive are Bill and Emma to Elton John’s “Crocodile Rock”. Judges Comments: Bruno “You hit the performance value, it was incredible, it was so enjoyable”. Len “I like that there were a lot of basic steps, I thoroughly enjoyed it, you are double the age and you gave it a go”. Carrie Ann “That was the most entertainment routine this season, it was jammed packed with depth, fantastic fun” Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 7, Len 7, Bruno 7 = 21 + last week’s score of 18 = 39 /60

Dancing the Rumba are Jack and Cheryl to “Mad World”. Judges Comments: Bruno: “I can’t believe how romantic you were, what you have done in two week is incredible”. Len: “It had control, I liked the style, your hands are a bit bizarre, but I liked it”. Carrie Ann: “When I watch you dance I am carried away to another time, it’s beautiful”. Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 8, Len 8, Bruno 8 = 24 + last week’s score of 23 = 47/60

Dancing the Samba are Keyshawn and Sharna to “Get Up Offa That Thing”. Judges Comments: Bruno “You went for it all the way, some of the things you did I don’t think are legal, you looked overwhelmed. You need to learn how to count the music”. Carrie Ann “Your confidence went up but you are still rough around the edges”. Len “You were working your assets and better than last week”. Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 6, Len 6, Bruno 6 = 18 + last week’s score of 17 = 35/60

Dancing the Rumba are Snooki and Sasha to “Just Give Me A Reason”. Judges Comments: Carrie Ann “You did the face, but it kind of didn’t go past that, I didn’t feel the story from you and I wanted more dimension and there should not have been lifts”. Len “I thought it was a very pretty dance, it was a little sharp and placed. It should have flowed more, but it was pretty and nice”. Bruno “You need to learn how to act, the Rumba is dance that never stops and you can do better”. Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 6, Len 7, Bruno 7 = 20 + last week’s score of  23 = 43/60

Dancing the Samba are Leah and Tony to “Un Doz Tres Maria”. Judges Comments: Len “That was terrific, lovely hands, you were working your hip and full on content, it was great”. Bruno “Who is this saucy Latina? So much flair, you were splendid and have to believe in yourself”. Carrie Ann “You unleashed your Samba goddess, this is what we were waiting for”. Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 8, Len 8, Bruno 8 = 24 + last week’s score of 21 = 45/60

Dancing the Paso Doble are Bill N. and Tyne to Beethoven. Judges Comments: Bruno “you definitely stepped up, there was actually some Paso Doble there”. Carrie Ann “I loved that you worked with what you had, your feet are going the wrong way, you need to work on that”. Len “I looked at last week’s performance and I was too harsh, some parts were missing in your dance, but I love the fun you brought to it”. Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 6, Len 5, Bruno 6 = 17 + last week’s score of 14 = 31/60

Dancing the Jive are Corbin and Karina to One Directions “Take Me Home”. Judges Comments: Carrie Ann “Every movement was spot on and really exciting”. Len “You can dance, you got to third base with that base, a little sharp with your footwork, but it was fabulous”. Bruno “This was a performance of dazzling brilliance, you managed to rock it and anticipate it”. Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 9, Len 8, Bruno 9 = 26 + last week’s score of 24 = 50/60

Dancing the Paso Doble are Valerie and Tristan to “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood”. Judges Comments: Len “I loved the way you started the dance, a little bit as though you were not comfortable whoever you were brave”. Bruno “I love the way you captured the great lady of Spain, a few mistakes in the footwork, but there was so much content and you didn’t take the easy way and I loved it”. Carrie Ann “I am so in awe of your courage, the beginning was fantastic, but you looked lost in a third of the way into the routine. You attacked the moves, it was great”. Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 6, Len 6, Bruno 7 = 19 + last week’s score of 21 = 40/60

Dancing the Rumba are Brant and Peta to Shakira’s “Underneath Your Clothes”. Judges Comments: Bruno “Incredibly difficult and done incredibly well, but you still need to work on caressing your feet on the floor”. Carrie Ann “The chemistry is good but you can move, you wowed us”. Len “I liked it, you are a terrific looking couple, but your feet are pigeon toed”. Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 8, Len 7, Bruno 8 = 23 + last week’s score 22 = 45/60

Dancing the Jive are Amber and Derek to “She’s So Fine”. Judges Comments: Carrie Ann “You continue to do well, but you had a little problem tonight”. Len “Watch your footwork but you were terrific”. Bruno “Irresistible, but your footwork was a little flat”. Judges Score: Carrie Ann 8, Len 8, Bruno 8 = 24 + last week’s score 27 = 51/60

This is it having combined both scores and America’s votes, we will now find out who is safe and who is going home. The first couple safe is Corbin and Karina. Also, Leah and Tony, Bill N. and Tyne, Christina and Mark, Amber and Derek, Valerie and Tristan, Snooki and Sasha, Jack and Cheryl, Brant and Peta; are all safe.

There are three couples left and one will be going home. Time for more results, the next couple who is safe is Elizabeth and Val. It is between Keyshawn and Sharna vs. Bill and Emma. The couple eliminated from the competition is Keyshawn and Sharna.

Annemarie LeBlanc:
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