Come to CDL’s Fifty Shades of Grey Movie & Book Party on Twitter @celebdirtylaund #CDLchat at 9 PM EST 9/25/13

How fun would it be to have a meetup on Twitter every week? We thought it sounded like great fun, and that’s why CDL will be hosting Twitter parties every Wednesday, 9PM EST, for one hour over at our home @celebdirtylaund. Each party will play host to a special topic or theme and, together, we’ll chat about the week’s hottest happenings.

To inaugurate our epic weekly party plans, we thought it would be most fitting to chat about one of the biggest Hollywood topics of conversation at the moment: Everything and anything regarding the new Fifty Shades of Grey film (and book, too)!

All you have to do to join the party is visit us at our Twitter @celebdirtylaund, get a feel for what’s going down, and participate in the sassy conversations by tweeting (or replying to tweets) with the following hashtag: #CDLchat. As is the case with any fabulous party, there’ll be no rules and we’re counting on YOU, our lovely readers, to help us generate a lively and energetic discussion.

Here are just a few things that might go down at the party:

• Questions! Questions! Questions! Are you satisfied with the Fifty Shades of Grey casting choices — Charlie Hunnam and Dakota Johnson? If you could ask EL James one question, what would it be? How many times have you read the book? If you were on the subway and Fifty Shades fell out of your purse or backpack, you would . . . . A) Stare at it for several minutes, with a look of confuzzlement, wondering how on earth that erotica got there; B) Run; or C) Chain whoever saw it first to the closest railing and kiss them passionately

• Dramatic readings in 40 characters or less from our fave passages.

Line dancing (just kidding, we’ll think of another activity).

Highly intellectual conversation (CALLING ALL ACADEMICS!)

What are you just itching to talk about? Start brainstorming in the comments section below. And if you’re just dying to get one of your hard-to-answer questions answered, the magic of Twitter is that you never know who might stop by the party! As always, be on the lookout for stars and celebs, and don’t be afraid to include them in the chat as well. Let the excitement begin!

Nicholas Sanford:
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