Hell’s Kitchen Recap 9/24/14: Season 13 Episode 4 “15 Chefs Compete”

Tonight on FOX Gordon Ramsay’s Hell’s Kitchen returns with an all new Wednesday September 24, season 13 episode 4 called, “15 Chefs Compete.” On tonight’s episode the chefs prepare a breakfast menu for culinary-school graduates and their families, and the winning team earns a trip to San Francisco to meet chef Dominique Chen. Later, both teams encounter problems during the dinner service.

On last week’s episode, in an effort to strengthen team communication, Chef Ramsay challenged the contestants to a unique recipe challenge. The team that most successfully completed the recipes printed on the back of their jackets would win a day flying across Venice beach, while the losing team would prepare for the next dinner service by grinding thousands of coffee beans. Later, during the dinner service, teams had to work together as they prepared their specialty dishes for VIP guests, including talk show host Wendy Williams. Two chefs were nominated for elimination. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode after a dramatic elimination, the contestants are surprised when, for the first time in HELL’S KITCHEN history, a culinary school graduation takes place in the dining room. Contestants from the Red and Blue teams are given 20 minutes to prepare breakfast for the graduates and their family and friends. The team that finishes serving their guests first will win a trip to San Francisco to meet renowned Chef Dominique Chen, while the losing team must hand-grind all the meat for the next dinner service. Later, the teams attempt to complete another successful dinner service, but tempers flare and both teams struggle with serving raw and overcooked dishes. With multiple contestants kicked out of the kitchen throughout the dinner service, find out which team is safe and who is up for elimination.

You’re not going to want to miss tonight’s cool new episode of HELL’S KITCHEN which begins at 8PM EST on FOX. We’ll also be live blogging it for you right here. While you’re waiting for the show to start, hit up our comments section and tell us your thoughts on this new season!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Bryant is getting a little pissy with Sterling because he won’t listen that the spinach needs more salt, though Gordon tries it and tells him it’s bland; he is once again holding the blue team back. The red team are also doing pretty good job, getting out their food on good time. Though Bryant is once again slowing down and putting his team behind; Gordon is getting furious at how he brings out a second raw egg, telling the whole blue team to stop.

Gordon tells them that those graduates deserve better and they should smarten up, Sterling decides to take the leadership in the kitchen to tell everyone what to do; the team is now back into harmony. Though the red team are now slowing down at all, though they also have one raw egg. Both teams are neck and neck right now for this challenge; the red team are the first to finish.

The red team are going to an amazing restaurant, though the boys will have to grind and stuff sausage from scratch; the team is already blame Bryant for their lost since the only problem was him bringing raw eggs to the front. Sterling is singing and making the best of the situation, Brian tells him to shut up and is very unhappy about their loss.

The girls come back and Sterling tells them he hopes they had a good day, now it’s time for bed though Aaron, Brian and Steve are all up deciding who on their team does not belong with them; wanting to kick out who they believe are dead weight.

The woman are very happy and excited to work together, though in the blue team Steve, Aaron and Brian are only focusing on themselves; they are in no way working with the team. Dinner service begins, Steve is working with Sterling and really wants to get rid of him; they are not working well together. Red team is very positive and are communicating well; they are doing pretty well. Steve believes Sterling is the biggest problem on the blue team, they are just not doing well at all. Now on the red team Kalen is kind of behind right now and he scallops are way too rushed. The blue side is getting their food out better, though they are really off on communication and team work. Kalen is still struggling on scallops, she is really holding the team back; the girls are getting frustrated and Gordon is mad now.

Gordon tells Kalen and Roe to sit down to eat their horrible scallops; Kalen is really depressed over this and is really pissed about this; she wants to go back to her station. Gordon allows the girls to go back, but now they are very behind with the fish. The girls are communicating well and diners on the red side are happy. Blue team is starting to do very well now, though they have someone bring their food back; the salmon is over cooked.

Trying again on the salmon, it’s now raw the second time; Gordon is getting furious at these mistakes. Gordon has Santos repeat what V.I.P. means loudly, to get it through his head. The meat station slips up again and four chefs are kicked out. Service is over now and Gordon says each team got weaker, though once again the men lost tonight; they have finished with half the team upstairs though the women were just as bad. The men are now arguing with each other, the boys have decided that they are going to put up JR and Steve.

Gordon says there is a gap in the middle and calls up Frank to the front, Steve says he has no idea why his team gave up on him. Gordon says that Frank stood there doing nothing a lot of the time, he was very inconsistent.

He tells JR that he messed up on the pork horribly, though JR tells him that he is not done yet.

Gordon decides that JR is leaving Hell’s Kitchen, he cooks like he has given up. Gordon tells them to all go away, even the red team knows the blue team is slowly falling apart.


William Blesch:
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