Sarah Jessica Parker and Kristin Davis Twitter Hint: ‘Sex And The City 3’ Movie Finally Happening – Stars Reuniting

Gossip about Sex And The City 3 has hit an all-time high this past year, what with the recent spate of successful female-led franchises, action thrillers, and dramas. The Sex and the City franchise has always been one of the most popular female-led projects of the past decade, but after the widely derided Sex and the City 2 that come out in 2010, the movies took a break. Realizing that the franchise may have lost its steam a little, producers have remained mum on a sequel or another reunion.

However, a Twitter conversation between Sarah Jessica Parker and Kristin Davis earlier this week hinted at a possible Sex and the City 3 reunion. SJP and Kristin started off having an innocent Twitter conversation about missing each other, to which Sarah commented, “Heard the news?”

Of course, the obvious reply to this is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But since we’re professionals, we just ended up scrolling through the rest of their Twitter conversation, where Kristin replied, “Yyeessssss….. But I’m afraid to get TOO excited yet – You let me know when we can celebrate. XO.”

Then, when a fan commented on the Sex and the City 3 news being cause for celebration, SJP replied, “That news zooming around. X sj.” Now, nothing in Hollywood is done until the deals are signed, the papers are sealed, and the crew and cast actually get to location. However, it’s obvious that serious talks are underway, although the delay has been substantial. The first Sex and City movie came out in 2008, with the next coming out in 2010, so that leaves a four year gap where the producers just have to hope that people aren’t over the movies. I would agree with them, since the response to the lackluster and insulting Sex and the City 2 was not all that great.

Siyana Riley:
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