Survivor Cambodia Recap – Chaos and the Merge: Season 31 Episode 7 “Play to Win”

Survivor Cambodia Recap - Chaos and the Merge: Season 31 Episode 7 "Play to Win"

Tonight on CBS their Emmy Award-winning series Survivor Cambodia airs with an all new Wednesday November 4, season 31 episode 7 called, “Play to Win,” and we have your weekly recap below! Tonight, the 13 remaining castaways come together for the largest merge ever.

On the last episode, one castaway was pulled from the game due to a family emergency; the players dropped their buffs for a second time and switch tribes; players chowed down on local delicacies to win immunity. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “the 13 remaining castaways come together for the largest merge ever. Later, history repeats itself for two feuding players; and the first individual immunity challenge is a classic game of balance.”

Tonight’s season 31 episode 7 looks like it’s going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s Survivor Cambodia episode at 8:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about season 31.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#Survivor begins after Woo’s blindside as Ta Keo is back at camp after the vote. It’s rain on day 17 and Kass talks about how the game offers second chances. Andrew is upset and says in his confessional that the others are incredible liars. Andrew tells the others that he would have done what they wanted and they tell him it’s not personal. Andrew says he thinks Kass is the worst for not being Bayon strong and says he won’t go down without a fight. He calls them pieces of shit.

Later, Andrew tells Kass and the others women they should take him to the merge. He’s acting all nice but he’s really mad. Spencer says they all want to win and asks if Andrew is done targeting him. Andrew shakes his hand and vows he’ll never write his name down again. Spencer says they have a tight group and he and Kass seem to be solid allies right now. Over at Bayon, they get tree mail. They read that they need to await visitors down the beach. They wonder if it’s a merge, but others think it’s not.

Tasha says it’s too early for a merge based on Survivor history. She’s nervous. Ta Keo is told to pack their stuff and follow the map to their new home. Ciera hopes it’s not a merge since Andrew is so mad. Kass tells the others to stick together and look for a crack in the Bayon tribe. Andrew is thrilled at the idea of a merge. They head out in the pouring rain. They meet the Bayons on the beach and Joe wonders why they’re merging with 13 people – that’s a big merge.

Keith reads a note that confirms it – it’s definitely the merge. Joe says everything will change. Andrew is thrilled to see his Bayon peeps. Joe says it’s day one again and dangerous. They share a meal that Survivor provided them and they open up supplies that they were given. Kelley is thrilled since she didn’t make it to the merge last time she played. They talk about Woo’s blindside and Kass says Andrew and Wigglesworth voted for Spencer. Kass says Spencer showed her trust and she upheld it.

Spencer says Kaos Kass saved him last night. Fish says he was waiting because he knew when the feast ended, it would be chaos. He says you need an alliance of seven to survive the first vote. Andrew chats with Jeremy and he tells Jeremy what happened last night scared him. He says they were so stealthy and says this will go down fast. He says six of them could come at either of them and they would never know it. He says they need seven. Jeremy says Tasha, Fish, Kimmie, and Wigglesworth makes six.

They need one more. Andrew decides to talk to Joe about sticking with the Bayons. Kelley and Kass talk about who else they need and Kass says they have Spencer and Abi, Ciera, Keith and they also want Joe. Kelley made a final five deal with Joe back at camp. She’s a bit worried about Abi though. Kelley thinks Spencer and Joe will be power players and they need them. Joe does his morning yoga when Andrew hits the beach. Andrew wants to talk to Joe and reconfirm that they’re working together.

He sits down by Joe and says they have Bayon strong. Andrew says they have them, Jeremy, Tasha, Kimmie, Fish and Wigglesworth. Joe says Andrew is playing with his heart and he knows he can trust him but he also had ties with Ta Keo. Joe says he’s going to talk to everyone and feel things out. Kelley talks to Spencer who says he’s overwhelmed with everything. He asks who she wants to play with and she says Kass, Ciera, him, Abi and says she can’t trust Andrew and Tasha. Kelley says Keith is 100% with them and she needs to talk to Joe to make sure he’s with them. Spencer realizes he and Joe are in the middle. They talk later and Spencer tells him all his allies are brand new.

Joe says he hasn’t been to Tribal so he hasn’t tested loyalties. Spencer and Joe talk about the Bayon alliance and then who they can play with. He says he’s trying to put it into #JoeLanguage and lays out a football metaphor. It starts raining again and they all huddle in the shelter. Kass says she feels like she’s grounded. Fish says he has a poem called Gods Grandeur. He recites it. The others just stare blankly and Spencer rolls his eyes. Others try not to laugh. Kass fails. They snap in “appreciation.”

Kass thinks that there’s a bro-down going on and she needs to work hard to pull numbers to go against the Bayon guys. Kass talks to Tasha who tells her it’s really murky with all the swaps. Kass tells her she could be on the list because she’s a good challenge person. Tasha knows Kass is with Ta Keo so she lies and tells her she doesn’t think they’re Bayon strong since she’s not tight with Fish. Tasha says she trusted Kass last time she played the game and Kass sent her home, so she’s playing Kass now.

Kass doesn’t like that Tasha clearly doesn’t trust her and is still hung up on the old game. That sets Kass off and she says in her confessional that Tasha unleashed the beast in Kass. The new tribe is Orkun and it’s now day 19. Kass talks about being ready to rumble. Kass wonders if Kaos Kass needs to come into the game. Kass goes to try and talk to Tasha again. Kass says she asked her point blank and Tasha says she can’t tell her the truth since she knows she can’t trust her.

Kass says Tasha didn’t learn from last time but Tasha says she learned not to trust Kass. Then Kass says Tasha just drew a clear line and says – game on. Tasha then goes to the others and says she talked to Kass who walks up and says Tasha told her that Bayon was over. Kimmie says they need a clean slate and Kass says not when someone lies to her face. Ciera says the chaos is starting already and she’s happy to try and use this to her advantage. She wants to try and break up Bayon.

She tells the Bayons that Woo and Andrew were close and they were talking about the threats they needed to send home at the merge and mentioned Jeremy and Joe both. Andrew is there and says he never said their names and tells Ciera to stop lying. Andrew goes at her and boy is it on now. It’s time for the first #IndividualImmunity challenge. Jeff asks Ciera about the merge and she says they’re trying to figure things out and where lines are drawn.

Jeff takes back the tribal immunity statue and shows them the fancy individual immunity necklace. The challenge is to stand on a narrow beam while balancing a ball on a round platform on a stick. They have to move down to a narrower section and then hold the pole at a lower point to make it more difficult. Jeff says this was in Brains, Brawn and Beauty and Spencer, Kass and Tasha played and it came down to Spencer and Tasha that time and Tasha won it back then. They draw for spots and start it up.

Fish is out almost immediately. They will have 10 minutes in each position before they move to something harder. After 9 minutes, Keith starts to wobble and falls out. Ciera falls out shortly thereafter as does Kimmie. They have 10 seconds left in round one. The other 10 move to the next level. Abi is out one second into round two leaving 9 in the challenge. Kass loses hers and there are 8 left. Wigglesworth is out then Kelley Wentworth. It’s down to Tasha and four guys – Andrew, Joe, Spencer and Jeremy.

After 20 minutes, they are all still hanging in there. They move to the third stage. Joe is the only one who’s standing sideways for the first two rounds. He’s facing backwards in stage three. Andrew falls out almost immediately and it’s down to 4. Tasha loses control and is out. Jeremy is out. That leaves Joe and Spencer competing for immunity. Jeff calls Joe one of the fiercest competitors. Spencer beings to wobble and then finally falls out. Joe wins the first individual immunity.

Joe says he has a big decision tonight and knows he and Spencer are huge swing votes and says this will be one hell of a #TribalCouncil. Back at the camp, Andrew is upset that he didn’t win. Tasha listens to Kass talking about how people are lying. Andrew wants Ciera to go home tonight. He tells Joe and some of the others that she should be sent home for her lying. Wigglesworth says she thinks Kass is stirring up more trouble but Andrew keeps pushing hard for Ciera.

Joe is ready to vote with the majority against Kass since she can be all over the place. Jeremy comes to talk to Spencer and asks who he thinks. The both mention Kass since she’s a troublemaker. Keith comes by and says it’s fine with him. Spencer says he can’t stop the momentum of the tribe and knows he can’t save her. Jeremy wonders if Kass has an idol and Spencer mentions splitting the vote. Jeremy talks to Tasha, Joe, Spencer and some of the others. Tasha suggests splitting the vote with Ciera.

Keith is happy to vote Kass out since she stirs up trouble. Abi talks to Kass and says the others are vultures. Kass knows they are targeting her. She says she thinks Keith is voting with the majority. Then they talk about how they will likely split the vote. Kass hopes she can get enough to vote Tasha to combat the split vote. Kass hopes they can get to Spencer and get him to vote Tasha with them. Ciera knows she’s also got a target on her.

Kass talks to Spencer about voting for Tasha with the girls. Kass says this move will further both of them. He says she had his back so he’ll do it. Spencer says his vote will determine who goes home. He thinks of Tasha as a friend but Ciera and Kass saved him. He talks about how he’s never been in a position before to influence the game and he’s thoughtful about what he should do. They head into #TribalCouncil and those grab torches that haven’t been to Tribal yet – Joe and Keith.

Jeff says this is the biggest Tribal they’ve ever had on Survivor. He asks Ciera about camp and she says chaos is putting it mildly. She says it’s been crazy. Kass says she hasn’t been playing the chaos game but others are and calls out Tasha who tells her not to even play with her. Tasha says if there is chaos, that’s Kass’s MO. Kass says Tasha lied and told her the Bayon alliance is over. Ciera says Kass wasn’t lying. She says you don’t want to be part of chaos in the game.

Joe says it could be anybody but it’s the first vote after the merge so everyone is afraid so they will take the easy vote. Ciera says it should not be easy, it should be going for the jugular. She says voting for she and Kass is not the smart vote. Ciera says only one person will win and they should play for first place, not sixth. Spencer says playing means different things to different people on different days. Fish says this game is moving fast and says they are seeing an evolution in the gameplay.

Jeff says maybe you don’t need alliances, but voting blocks. Ciera says there is an element of trust and you want to be in the top four not at the bottom of a 9 person alliance. Jeff calls for the vote. We see that Tasha writes down Kass, Jeremy wrote down Ciera and Kass wrote down Tasha. Jeff goes to tally the votes then comes back and calls for hidden immunity idols. No one offers one. The votes are: Kass, Ciera, Tasha, Kass, Ciera, Tasha, Kass, Ciera, Andrew, Kass, Ciera, Kass, Kass. Kass is voted out.

That makes Kass the first member of the jury. Jeff says the rest of the season is going to be a wild ride. He sends them back to camp. Ciera was the one who voted for Savage which screwed up the split vote strategy. That wouldn’t have helped them, but it was what she agreed to. We see that Spencer voted for Ciera – he finagled it so he could vote on the Ciera side of the split and not vote for Kass because he knew she was going home. Kass says her being eliminated is on her and that she did it to herself.