Tonight on FX The Americans airs with another all new Wednesday, April 8 season 3 episode 11 called “One Day in the Life of Anton Baklanov,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Oleg and Tatiana are assigned by Arkady to a risky operation; Nina ponders her next move; Philip [Matthew Rhys] and Elizabeth’s [Keri Russell] personal and professional lives collide in a new way.
On the last episode a plan for the CIA’s mujahideen was set in motion by Philip and Elizabeth, but tensions were rising in the Jennings’ home. Did you watch last week’s episode? If you missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for your enjoyment.
On tonight’s episode per say the FX synopsis “Philip and Elizabeth’s home and work lives collide in new and dangerous ways. Nina struggles to figure out her next steps. Arkady assigns Oleg and Tatiana to an operation with uncertain potential.”
Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be a great finale episode and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of FX’s “The Americans” Season 3 Episode 11- at 10 PM EST! While you wait for the recap, check out our sneak peek video of tonight’s episode below!
Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!
Tonight’s episode of The Americans kicks off with Elizabeth and Phillip whispering in the kitchen first thing in the morning – last night they told Paige the truth, that they are Russian spies. Paige barges in and bombards them with questions. She wants to know everything – their real names, if she is really their daughter, if Stan is going to arrest them, why don’t they have accents? Phillip and Elizabeth hush Paige when her little brother Henry comes downstairs for breakfast. He sits down to eat his pancakes and his parents bustle around like nothing is wrong. Paige sits down at the table and plays along – it looks like she is going to help her parents keep their secret.
At work Stan visits Gaad in his office – he asks him about an incident back in August. He is making a list of everything that was ever said in his office that should have been said in the vault. Stan explains that they thought they were safe in his office. Gaad doesn’t want to hear it – there is a vault for a reason and they need to be more careful about what they discuss.
Elizabeth and Phillip visit Gabriel – they confess to him that they told their daughter Paige the truth, that they are spies. Gabriel reassures them that they did the right thing. He asks about the hotel – Elizabeth says she has a way in with the hotel manager. And, Phillip is meeting Yousef later that night. Gabriel has another envelope for Elizabeth from back home, her mother is dying – Gabriel warns her there won’t be many more. After their meeting with Gabriel, Phillip asks Elizabeth if she is sure everything is okay at the hotel – she reassures him it is fine.
Elizabeth goes undercover as Michelle and visits her friend Lisa and her husband Maurice. Lisa explains that they are having money problems and they are going to lose their house – they want in on the illegal consulting gigs that Michelle is working. Lisa can use her high-security clearance at the factory. Michelle agrees to talk to her boss Jack and get Lisa in. After Lisa goes to the kitchen to get coffee her husband Maurice scoffs to Michelle that he knows she is really the on in charge and there is nobody named Jack.
Phillip meets with Yousef for intel – he says that the CIA asked his country for commanders with the best language skills. The CIA has a new weapons system, light and easy to use, and it can knock helicopters and aircrafts out of the sky. The Afghans are sending the CIA three of their men – Phillip says he needs the names of the men that the CIA is recruiting.
Elizabeth heads home that night and finds Paige sitting in the car in the garage in the dark. Elizabeth climbs in with Paige and explains that she knows she has questions but they can only talk about this when they know that no one else can possibly hear them. Paige reassures her mom that she understands. Elizabeth tries to tell Paige about her family and childhood – but her daughter informs her that she can’t believe anything that she says.
Arkady calls Oleg in to his office – it’s time to brief him on Operation ZEPHYR. Arkady reveals that they have listening devise planted in the FBI’s offices. He needs English speaking people he can trust to go over all of the transcripts and figure out what kind of products the FBI is working on – that is where Oleg comes in.
Meanwhile, Phillip gets dressed as Clark and heads home to Martha. She reveals that Officer Taft is going to interview her again. She is paranoid, she thinks that he knows that she is lying. Clark reassures her that Taft doesn’t have superpowers and there is no way that he can tell whether or not she is telling the truth. Clark sits down with Martha and gives her some tips on how to get away with lying and not appearing guilty – he makes her repeat after him “I have no idea who put that thing in Agent Gaad’s pen.”
Elizabeth is on a date with the hotel manager, he had the chef prepare her a special dinner. After she is done eating Elizabeth gets up from the table and sits on the manager’s lap, she proceeds to seduce him and leads him to the bed. Meanwhile, Nina is busy working on the scientist – if she wins over his trust she was told her crimes would be pardoned. She searches his room/prison cell while he is out and found letters that he has written to his son Jacob. The next day while they are eating Nina confesses that she found the letters, she promises that she won’t tell anyone about them.
The next day Phillip meets with Gabriel at the park – he updates him on the hotel operation. Phillip has a big favor to ask, he tells Gabriel he wants him to arrange a trip for Elizabeth to see her mother one last time. Gabriel says he understands, but there is no way that it is going to happen – it is against the Center’s rules. Phillip snaps on Gabriel, he rants that he has been doing an awful lot for the Center lately and hasn’t gotten anything in return. He tells Gabriel he can’t keep hearing “no,” one of these times he is going to have to hear a “yes,” and then he storms off.
The next night Elizabeth has another date with Neil – the hotel manager. He gives her a tour of his offices and their computer system, and then there is a disruption at the front desk and he leaves her alone in the office. She accesses the computer and makes copies of his office keys. When Neil returns Elizabeth says that she has to go – he kisses her and gives her a room key and tells her to meet him in Room #308 in ten minutes. Elizabeth turns him down and rushes out of the office.
Elizabeth gets home late and she gets undressed and climbs in to bed with Phillip. She wakes up in the morning and Phillip is lying there staring at her – he tells her that he thinks he found a way for her to see her mother. Before he can tell her, there is a knock on their bedroom door – it’s Paige, she asks what they are talking about. Phillip confesses that she has a grandmother in Russia and she is very sick – Elizabeth isn’t allowed to go see her though.