Bachelor in Paradise Recap 8/21/17: Season 4 Episode 3 “402A”

Tonight on ABC after weeks of drama, romance & more Bachelor in Paradise airs an all new Tuesday, August 21, 2017, episode and we have your Bachelor in Paradise recap below.  On tonight Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 Episode 3 as per the ABC synopsis, “A guy from Rachel’s season shows up with a date card, and the other men grow jealous; one female who’s unsure of where she stands with her man sets her sights on the newcomer; one couple stumble upon some dancers and join in on the dancing.”

We will be blogging tonight’s episode of the Bachelor in Paradise and because it is a new episode you just know there is going to be lots of drama, heartbreak & tears. So bookmark this spot and come back tonight at 8 PM – 10 PM for our Bachelor in Paradise recap. While you wait for the recap, make sure to check out all our Bachelor of Paradise, news, spoilers, recap & so much more!

Tonight’s Bachelor In Paradise recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Bachelor in Paradise (BIP) begins tonight with the first night together since they began re-filming, the girls have the power and today’s been weird. Lacey says the guys are just not romantically interested in any of the girls, they just want bro time; making some of the women very upset and a lot of them are hoping new people will come in.

Kristina and Dean are dating, but she has no idea where they stand because he is being weird. She is trying to get him to open up and cries that she shouldn’t have to work so hard for it. Raven observes that Dean wants to take a step back after spending alone time during the shut down, which is confusing Kristina. At the bar, Wells tells her she needs to play this like she doesn’t care and she agrees knowing there are more people coming and is curious who will show up.

Adam, 27, from Rachel’s season of the Bachelorette (13) arrives, he is remembered as the one who brought the creepy doll. Iggy is super happy to see him but then realizes there is now another guy and he is holding a date card. The card says, “Welcome to Paradise; choose someone for tomorrow’s date!” The girls are happy for the “fresh meat” when it comes to Adam’s arrival.

He sits with the guys to get their take on the girls admitting he is interested in Raven, which bums Ben. He likes Kristina and Iggy says everyone is available other than Taylor and Jaz. He tells them he is going to make his rounds and talk quickly to each of the girls and then made a decision, beginning with Kristina and now Raven, who has met him before in Dallas. She doesn’t know what she will do if he asks her on a date because she likes Ben Z. Adam says he is still torn after the conversations but his gut says Kristina, but the voice in his head is saying Raven; he decides to sleep on it.

Wells talks about the rose ceremony that night and the one strong couple is Derek and Taylor and Matt and Jasmine (Jaz); he says Kristina and Dean were strong but have hit a rough patch and the communication is ruining them. He jokes about Raven being in a weird love nest with Ben and Robby and with Adam showing up with a date card, every rose is up in the air except for Taylor’s; the guys are stressed because more guys are in the mix and right now they are all in survival mode.

As the group talks, Ben hopes Adam goes after Kristina because he has been getting along great with Raven; and talks again about their dogs that are only a week apart in age. Adam says he had a good and uplifting talk with everyone the previous night and needed time to sleep on it but he asks Raven to go on a date and she says she’d definitely go on a date with him. Ben says this one stings more than with Robby because they know each other better now.

Kristina and Diggy both acknowledge the interaction between her and Dean is different but he doesn’t know if that is a good or bad thing. She admits when things are good, they are good, but they are both stubborn so when things are bad, it shuts down. Diggy says when it comes to him, she doesn’t have anything to worry about but she needs to realize more people are coming; she wants to talk instead of keep guessing.

Kristina sits down with Dean and everyone says there is trouble in paradise when it comes to them. Jack says when it came to Kristina she shouldn’t put all her eggs in one basket when it comes to Dean. He’s great if you’re in middle school but not if you’re an adult and have a career. She tries to talk but he wants to shower and she says great talk and leaves too.

Adam and Raven prepare for their date as Iggy works out; the girls are frustrated because a lot of the guys are having bromances and showing attention to each other and not appearing to want to date any of the women. Ben tells Iggy he is worried about Adam and Raven ruining his connection with her. He feels it will be interesting to see what happens at the rose ceremony and says he is hurt seeing her with Adam because he really likes her. He hopes they have a horrible time and he can spend all evening with her and get her rose later that night.

Raven and Adam arrive at Sayulita Pueblo Magico, they walk hand-in-hand as she says he chose the right one. He is excited that they went out while the show was on hold and connected so well. He knows about Robby and the connection with Ben but hopes she figures out that the guys she isn’t vibing with just go home. He admits that after talking to everyone, their conversation has the most traction and he wanted to dive a little deeper with her.

Raven says she initially has a connection with Ben Z on Day 1, attracted to how sweet he was. She went on the date with Robby, giving him the benefit of the doubt and their date went the exact way she thought it would so she is up in the air right now. She had high hopes coming into BIP. He came in with an open mind, anything is possible and if something comes out of this, he is willing to go all in. She likes that he is blunt, just like her, admitting she needs a strong person and he wants the “ride or die” too. She’s undecided because right now she is interested in both Ben and Adam; they return saying they had an awesome day.

Everyone is preparing for the rose ceremony and 4 guys will be going home. Taylor says she is so happy the women have the roses and its them sending people home while Lacey says sending these men home is not about the men themselves, as they are all wonderful men. They all feel its a not an easy decision; a massive thunderstorm hits as they are going into the cocktail party and Chris Harrison arrives, welcoming them encouraging the men to work it; everyone knows that Derek is the only one safe.

Jack is worried if Alexis doesn’t give him the rose tonight its going to be very tough to deal with. Jack says he thinks Alex and Iggy are going home and possibly Robby but isn’t sure Adam made a good choice taking out Raven. Jack and Alexis says they both don’t want Ben to go home.

Ben sits with Raven and they chat about their similarities. He asks where she is with Adam and Robby. She says she doesn’t know Adam to the extent she should, but she likes him and isn’t sure what she is going to do tonight. He likes Raven, he feels the connection and spark is still there and hopes to explore it more. When they are done talking, he sits with Raven and hopes they can build off their date and move forward; they get up and begin to salsa dance. Adam says Raven needs an aggressive guy and sometimes you just have to go for what you want and they kiss. She is not mentally prepared for what she has to do.

Robby talks to Amanda, as the situation at home isn’t taken lightly because she was formerly engaged to a friend of hers. They talk about him as anonymous and decides to make a bold move. He asks her to give him a kiss and she says she isn’t sure for one saying its not the right moment; she isn’t saying it won’t happen but he has to wait.

Amanda sits with Nick at the bar as Robby watches on and he admits he is worried, he wants to stay there and build on the relationships he’s made. Robby lays down not sure whether he is going home. As everyone sits around Taylor and Derek begin kissing, everyone says it look beautiful and just do their thing. Jaz wants more of Taylor and Derek saying she wants everyone to have those feelings like she has with Matt too.

They spend time alone and thoroughly enjoy each others company, admitting the vibe just happened between them and he loves that he knows she has his back; she knows he is husband material. She sees qualities she definitely wants in a man.

Iggy calls Lacey away from the group, he hopes to get a rose from Lacey so he can at least stay. He showed the goofy side of him and says she is someone he wants to get to know, she thanks him for doing a Jewish blessing on their drink but now Diggy takes time with her, saying he needs to be more aggressive and is definitely intrigued by her and thanks her for her time; she appreciates him being a sincere person and they kiss.

Alex is a little “thirsty”, Jaz feels bad for him but he is too much and pushing too hard with every single one of the women. He hopes they were trying to see him more vulnerable but has no idea if that will make him get a rose.

Dean arrives and takes Kristina to talk. He wants to tell her they need to step back and slow down. He knows its the wrong time but he wants her to have clarity as to where they stand in his eyes. He tells they have an amazing time but the expectancy is too high and they need to slow down. He wants her to know now so she has the power to make the decision. Kristina says it was hard to hear and didn’t want to be second choice. She says she is definitely stepping back from Dean and would rather give her time to someone else to see if there is anything out there.

Chris says its time for the first rose ceremony!

Everyone gathers for the rose ceremony and many do not feel comfortable going into it and many of the men feel they will be on the chopping block.

Taylor starts it off and offers Derek her rose. Jasmine (Jaz) offers Matt her rose. Raven, who had the toughest choice tonight picks Adam to accept her rose. Alexis chooses Jack Stone. Lacey chooses Diggy. Danielle offers her rose to Ben Z because he is looking for a life partner and she’d love for him to find that person. Kristina asks Dean to accept her rose, eve though he asked her to take a step back and see where things go. Amanda is the one to offer the final rose and Robby accepts it.

Iggy, Alex, Nick and Vinny were not given roses and are now heading home. Alex is disappointed saying it wasn’t what he expected. Nick says he is naive thinking this could have went different and it wasn’t easy for him to allow himself to be vulnerable, and he was vulnerable the whole process and upsetting things didn’t work for him. Vinny struggles with his seat belt and says it sucks to be going home. Everyone who is left behind, cheers to moving forward and leaving everything behind.

Back in Mexico, Kristina says giving Dean her rose was a good sign to show him she wants this relationship, spend time with him and grow their relationship with a fresh start. Ben is very thankful that Amanda gave him the rose, he is disappointed that Raven clearly has a deep connection with Adam but its a new week and who knows who is coming.

Suddenly, Danielle L, 27 from Nick’s season of the Bachelor arrives with a date card and all the men are clearly checking out the Diva. Her card says, “Let’s leave everyone in the dust!” She leaves to go chat with some of the girls as the guys literally drool, saying she is so much more gorgeous in real life. Dean says he would go 100% on a date with her, if she asked.

She says she is interested in Dean and Ben, but wants to feel everything out first. Kristina admits its uncomfortable that she would want to date Dean. She talks to Ben who says Derek and Taylor are together and super cute; Kristina and Dean have a thing but not as good as they’d like it to be. Robby says if Dean will accept her date he is going to put himself in a very stupid situation. Kristina watches their conversation as Danielle “Dan” says she needs to figure things out but Kristina says she would be pissed if Dean goes because that’s not right.

Danielle takes out her date card and says after talking to everyone she asks Dean to go with her and he accepts and they head out as Kristina stares in shock and disappointment. Alexis calls him a “dick” after Kristina just gave him the rose the previous night and now he is going on a date with someone new. She doesn’t want to talk about it and walks away.

Alexis and Jaz pretend to beat each other up talking about one taking the others man on a date. They are having so much fun together, saying they are the crazy Bitches in Paradise; they lean over from the bed and do a commentary on Taylor and Derek who are on the beach bed below.

Dean hops on the back of the ATV as Danielle drives; he thoroughly enjoys that she is a bad ass who isn’t afraid of getting dirty. He thinks they can have a blast and leave the rest on hold but back on the beach Kristina wanted the day to be a fresh start after they had a rough patch for the past few days and finally had the conversation and she gave him the rose and now he is taken on a date, which is just another bomb for them. Kristina has decided to no longer waste her time with Dean and is told she deserves the world.

Dean and Danielle have a drink and when he asks why she chose him, Dan tells him she felt he was the one who was interesting, and she had met some of the guys before and wasn’t impressed. He says she was the only one he knew of when he came into this, admitting he thinks she is pretty. They talk about her time on Nick’s season and how things happen for a reason. He says he told Rachel on the Bachelorette stuff about his mom, which is hard stuff to talk about and then Rachel met his family, which was super emotional to him. She feels this is a great way to start BIP.

Kristina feels the Dean she is getting on BIP is completely different than the Dean she knew in Kentucky. Meanwhile, Dean and D-Lo are kissing while Kristina wonders if she should listen to Dean’s words or his actions? She knows what she wants but needs to figure out what he wants.

Robby asks Kristina how she is feeling about the situation and she explains the conversation she had with Dean and her hopes for that day, saying she will watch the sunset with him since Dean is still out. She admits she doesn’t want anyone who isn’t sure about what they want. Robby feels for Kristina because it looks like Dean is just dragging her along.

D-Lo and Dean return to the group and share what they did for their date; Kristina joins them and he asks her what she did all day. Alexis again feels like he is a douche because he is bouncing between D-Lo and Kristina. He joins D-Lo at the bar and Kristina doesn’t think its cool that D-Lo would do this knowing what was going on and flaunt this in front of everyone.

Matt says that Dean can’t be blamed for accepting the invite as D-Lo is a beautiful girl, but everyone there thinks Dean’s relationship with Kristina is far stronger than the one with Danielle. Diggy and Matt tells Dean how upset Kristina was all day; Matt thinks Dean has cold feet but Kristina knows what she wants. He thinks they would be perfect for each other and tells Dean to get two drinks and bring one over to Kristina.

Dean follows their advice, goes to see the girls but tells Kristina that he will talk to her when she is done talking to the girls. Dean wants to tell her how things went and let her weigh things for herself. He said there was no romance involved, they talked and ATV’d; he admits to a small peck and wanted her to know that.

D-Lo talks to the girls about their date, saying Dean said he had a conversation with Kristina and they pretty much decided to pump the brakes as it was going to fast. Dean tells Kristina he missed her face and together they watch the clouds and appreciate their talk; saying to stay open and honest even if its stuff not fun to talk about; they do a silly handshake and she jokingly asks him if she is a better kisser.

Kristina thinks they cleared the air and trusts him and the feelings he has, although there are certain things she is putting up with to see if things will change and isn’t ready to give up just yet.

That night, everyone is called to the bonfire and they all make S’mores and play some games and bond. Kristina feels good about her and Dean, things are moving into a good direction and they are over the bump after his date. Dean makes a big announcement, saying sometimes when your birthday falls between two major holidays its hard to celebrate it, carries a half-cake with 2 lit candles and says its more important to celebrate your half birthday and that day for D-Lo is today.

Everyone looks at Kristina to see her reaction as everyone feels Dean is playing games; Alexis wants to slap him and tell him to get out of there, calling him several names. Kristina says its happening right in front of her eyes, treating her like she didn’t even matter. She is hurt and disrespected and looks like a fool and shutting down. D-Lo chases Dean down the beach to the bar and Kristina cries and takes off; she can’t even talk to the cameras, crawls into bed in tears as Dean and D-Lo laugh and drink together. Alexis comforts her as Kristina says she doesn’t want to be there.


Cristie Geroux:
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