Quantico Recap 4/3/17: Season 2 Episode 16 “MKTOPAZ”

Tonight on ABC their hit drama Quantico airs with an all-new Tuesday, April 3, 2017, season 2 episode 16 and we have your Quantico recap below. On tonight’s Quantico, Season 2 episode 16 as per the ABC synopsis, “Clay is forced to use his fiancée to carry out an operation, which causes the team to reexamine their personal connections—or, more accurately, the lack thereof.”

Tonight’s Quantico season 2 episode 16 looks like it is going to be awesome so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Quantico recap!  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Quantico recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Quantico Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The task force was always going to come first for those involved. But Clay hadn’t known how much it would affect his relationship with Max. Max had wanted to know where he went at all hours of the day and whether or not he even a stagiest still however Clay had made a promise to her that he had hoped would be enough. He had promised that he would tell her everything once the job was done. So Max tried to be content. She still didn’t care for the lying or the evading in Clay’s case though she thought that everything would turn out alright.

However, Clay had gone into the office after Nimah and Ryan found some great intel on the missing cache. So he put a little too much faith into what they found. They found out that the cache had been accessed by Rebecca Shermann and she wasn’t just anyone. She was practically the socialite of all socialites and her parties were legendary because of the way she was able to bring people together after all other avenues have been closed. And so there was a question put to the table about her – was she a collaborator or she was the mastermind?

Rebecca’s friends and acquaintances were all across the globe and so she had the power to arrange meetings between collaborators that no one would suspect. Though to get an answer about the part she played in the great conspiracy – the team looked to Clay and had asked him to do something he hated. They had asked him to get his fiancée Max involved because Rebecca was also known to be someone that could arrange high-profile weddings. So Clay had been hesitate at first and it had taken him some time before he ultimately came around yet he still hated the plan.

Clay had said that he doesn’t like to lie to Max or get her in any involved with what they were doing. Yet, the mission required it and it didn’t help that Harry needled him. Harry was new to the team, but he was often the most vocal and so he hadn’t held anything back when he told Clay that he should put up as much as they all did. So Clay agreed to the meeting and he had been brought Max to meet Rebecca about possibly arranging their wedding. And the plan that had seemed so good had started to fall apart almost instantly.

Alex had played the part of Clay’s security detail and she was supposed to come across as someone that didn’t feel too comfortable in her job. But Rebecca had talked to Alex and she had realized within moments that Alex was meant to distract her while Clay and Max did something else. So the guys had needed another distraction and Ryan had come through for them. He had gotten his personal contact Sasha Barinov to work both ways and therefore Sasha made a timely call to Rebecca before she could race upstairs.

However, Rebecca was able to remove herself fairly quickly from that conversation and she did catch Clay on her computer. So she figured everything out and had then said “Thank God”. Rebecca had admitted that she was being blackmailed into helping with the conspiracy and that she needed their help to get her and her family to safety. And so Rebecca told them everything. She told them that her personal contact was Thomas Roth. Roth was a high-priced attorney that the collaborators were using to take down their enemies and Rebecca knew she could arrange a meeting with him.

Roth was technically acting as her handler in a way and so it was job to monitor Rebecca as well as deal with any problems that might occur. So he had been all top willing to meet her when Rebecca fed him a half-truth. She told him that she had been compromised and thought that someone might be on to all of them yet some of Rebecca’s nerves must have come across because he thought she was little hysterical when they later met up. Though he had had no problem with talking to her and had almost admitted on tape that there was a conspiracy.

So what stopped him had been the shooter. Someone must have gotten worried that either Rebecca or Roth weren’t capable of dealing with the latest problem on their own so shots were fired in the park. Yet, the team had been close enough to Rebecca to save her life and they hadn’t. They had been told that it would risk their covers and the mission at large so they stayed put as she bled to death, but Alex for one hadn’t been happy about it. She had thought that they should honor their promises to Rebecca by keeping her safe and it had been a physical blow when Rebecca died anyways. And so the mission and Clay being in a fight with Max was for nothing.

The team’s leads had died alongside both Roth and Rebecca. But Clay was taking it the hardest because it was his job to lead the others and didn’t know if that was worth his marriage. His fiancée was refusing to take his calls because she was mad at him and one of his agents had actually disappeared in the field. So the whole mission with Rebecca had been a bust and only Alex was worried about the missing Harry. Harry had sort of forced his way onto their latest mission and she had wanted to know if he was in trouble or if he had wandered off again.

However, the answer to that question was neither. Harry had found the shooter and he had tried apprehending Sebastian Chen when Chen got the better of him. So Harry had been forced to call Alex and tell her that he realized the team wasn’t for him though she had believed the lie because of Harry’s own past behavior and had said bye without knowing the truth. And so Harry was in danger while everyone else were busy trying to find a real connection in their world if that even still possible for the lot of them.

So Owen went to visit his daughter, Ryan visited Sasha and had tried to find information on her to keep her from blowing his cover, Shelby had talked Max into understanding Clay’s position because she knew that Clay needed Max in order to stop him from becoming like the rest of them, And Nimah had decided to visit her sister. Nimah had been told that she never would have allowed Raina to ignore for her long and so that had convinced her to park herself on Raina’s door. Though unfortunately, Raina had been attacked in her apartment and it seems like someone is setting her up for another terrorist attack.


Kristine Francis:
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