Supergirl Recap 04/21/19: Season 4 Episode 18 “Crime and Punishment”

Supergirl Recap 04/21/19: Season 4 Episode 18 "Crime and Punishment"

Tonight on the CW the series Supergirl airs with an all-new Sunday, April 21, 2019, season 4 episode 18 and we have your Supergirl recap below. On tonight’s episode called, “Crime and Punishment” as per the CW synopsis, “Kara and Lena head to Stryker’s Island to search for clues on how to defeat Lex. At the prison, Kara tries to befriend a nosy prisoner, Steve, who may have insight into what Lex was doing, while Lena studies an array of puzzles Lex left behind in the hopes of discovering his whereabouts.

While there, a prison riot breaks out and Kara must find a way to stop the prisoners without revealing her secret identity as Supergirl. Meanwhile, Kelly encourages James to talk to someone for his PTSD.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Supergirl recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Supergirl news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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The president takes to national TV to warn Supergirl that they are after her for her supposed attack on the White House. As Supergirl watches she hears cries for help. She rushes to the scene, pulling a man from a vehicle. People passing by see Supergirl and try to shoot at her. She stops the bullets, telling them she didn’t attack the White House. After saving the man he questions why she attacked the White House. His daughter thought she was a hero.

Lena and Supergirl team up and head to the prison to see Lex’s cell. Prisoners taint Supergirl on her walk through the block. In the cell, Lena finds a note in one of the chess pieces. She also finds his diaries on the chess board.

Lockwood arrives at headquarters to summon Supergirl. Haley and Alex tell him he needs officials orders from the president. Knowing he will get them soon, Alex gives her watch to Haley to alert Supergirl but tells Haley that alerting her twice will call her when in fact it will tell Supergirl to stand clear. It’s a trap. Brainy likes Alex’s thinking. They need to hide the client registry next as Lockwood is sure to want to see it.

Brainy is torn on whether or not he should delete the alien registry. Meanwhile, Jimmy is talking in therapy. He feels guilty about being alive. His therapist gives him a way to get back to his safe place with breathing techniques. He tries and relives the day he was shot. The veins in the back of his dark run a dark liquid.

Supergirl comes face to face with an activist who exposed data from the DOD to the public. He tells Supergirl that he is the real hero, exposing the government which has cost him his freedom. She has prevented broken the law but somehow lives above it.

Brainy asks Nia to show him the future. She tells him that he doesn’t destroy the registry and laughs when he gets mad about this in turn showing him what he needs to do.

Inside the prison Otis makes an announcement to the prisoners, offering them a reward if they get her. He opens all of their cells, letting them free. Supergirl holds her own, fighting dozens lined up to try and take her out. She makes her way to the Warden only to find that he has been murdered. meanwhile, Lena looks at the landscape artwork Lex created in his cell, remembering when they were younger and how he promised to protect her and build a house in the mountains one day.

Supergirl tracks down Otis. The two fight, throwing one another through walls. After things get too much Supergirl morphs into Kara in order to save herself from Otis’ kryptonite weapon. She saves herself by telling him she is a reporter. When the SWAT team arrives she morphs back into Supergirl and heads to find Lena as they look for her. She finds her. Lena shows Supergirl that Lex is up to no good. They watch the cameras knowing something awful is going to take place. Hey, rush out as Otis blows up.

Nia wakes from a dream and calls Brainy. He accent erase the registry. He tells her he did but uploaded it to his brain. He is now a target. Lockwood comes back with the president’s orders to summon Supergirl and kill her if she doesn’t come nicely. They try and tell him it appears she went dark. Haley admits to Alex she helped Supergirl but only for her daughter and the greater good.

Supergirl tells Lena and Alex she did more harm than good today. She is going to lay low. Meanwhile, Jimmy tells his therapist that he could hear things humans shouldn’t. They need to talk to Lena.

Lockwood gets the go-to deputize the Children of Liberty. Lex’s prison friend Steve gives Kara a hard drive that was Lex’s.