Teen Mom OG Premiere Recap 03/17/20: Season 9 Episode 1 “Decisions, Decisions”

Tonight on MTV Teen Mom OG returns with an all-new Tuesday, March 17, 2020, episode and we have your Teen Mom 2 recap below. On tonight’s Teen Mom 2 Season 9 episode 1 as per the MTV synopsis, “Amber is finally out of jail; Mackenzie learns about Josh’s infidelity; Maci’s son can’t attend Jagger’s birthday party; Cheyenne’s boyfriend is now in LA.”

Teen Mom 2 should be another episode filled with crazy drama. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our Teen Mom OG recap tonight from 9 PM – 10 PM ET! While you wait, don’t forget to check out all our Teen Mom 2 recaps, spoilers, news & More, right here.

Tonight’s Teen Mom 2 recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Amber was arrested. She was arrested for domestic violence against her boyfriend and she could potentially go back to jail. Her daughter Leah was eleven now. She was old enough to understand what her mother did and she doesn’t want her to go back to jail. She also doesn’t want to lose James. Leah talked about it with her stepmother and the poor woman had no idea what to say. She wants to protect Leah and at the same time, she can’t stop the little girl from finding out what’s happening. Leah could go on the internet herself. She can do a quick search and see that her mother is being charged with three offenses.

Amber meanwhile feels so bad for what she did. Her now ex-boyfriend could take her youngest baby away from her and Amber will have had no one to blame but herself. She knows she shouldn’t have laid her hands on Andrew. She knows that she should have left the house the moment she felt she was losing control and she didn’t. Amber is dealing with mental illness. She has been seeking treatment and it wasn’t enough to prevent the incident in this case. The other teen moms all know Amber and some of them even consider her a friend. They’re all worried about her. And what this could mean for her baby.

Her son James is about a year old if not a little younger. Amber didn’t want to upset his routine and so James was staying with Andrew at their house. She rented a second house to stay in. Amber hasn’t seen Andrew or the baby since the incident and so there’s no telling what the future holds. After hearing what happened to her, Catelynn decided to show her appreciation of Tyler. She booked a vacation to Hawaii for the family and they were going to several days out on the beach. Tyler was so surprised when he saw the card Catelynn made with their daughter. It was such a sweet moment and its good that her family is still so strong.

Cheyenne talked to her mother and sister about what she wants for her family. She told them she doesn’t want to move with a guy unless they were married. She said she wants to get married one day and have more children. She didn’t think that would happen if she moved in with a guy prematurely because then they would become like roommates. Cheyenne had been very firm about what she wants with them and so now comes the hard part of telling Matt. Matt lost his roommate. He needs a new living situation and he suggested to Cheyenne that they could move in together in order to save time.

It wasn’t the most romantic proposal. It also wasn’t what Cheyenne wanted and so she had to figure out a way to tell him that. Cheyenne doesn’t want to move in with him before marriage. She did that with her last relationship and she wants something different now. Only Matt doesn’t see it that way. He reminded her that she talks about taking their relationship to the next level and moving in could be a step towards that direction. He also asked Cheyenne to look at places with him. They were going to be driving around and looking at places and neither of them was sure if they were moving in together or not.

Then there was Maci. Maci has a restraining order against Ryan because he threatened her husband. The restraining order also means they don’t talk. They talked through intermediaries and that’s how Maci found out about a birthday party. Her son’s half brother was having his first birthday and Bentley was invited. Bentley wasn’t invited until practically the last minute. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of thought or planning that went into the birthday party and so by the time he received an invitation Bentley was already going on a family vacation to Louisiana. This was planned for weeks ahead of time.

Maci didn’t withhold her son to teach anyone a lesson. She also wasn’t thinking about Ryan and he needs to get over himself. He thought she was purposely keeping Bentley from him. He said that’s how she’s been for ten years and he didn’t that was going to change once the restraining order expired. The thing was coming up for renewal and everyone just assumed that Maci wasn’t going to keep it in place. Maci meanwhile was talking to her friends and she said before she could drop the restraining order that she would like an apology from Ryan. A simple acknowledgment that what he did was wrong would go a long way.

Mackenzie (fellow teen mom) needed an apology as well. Her husband went away for work and he promised her that he hadn’t cheated on her, but then someone saw the episode and posted online that he was seen making out with another woman. That’s how Mackenzie found out he had been cheating on her. She was going through a lot right now with her mom dying and having to explain to her kids that their grandmother was dying from cancer. She really didn’t need a cheating husband on top of it. She kicked Josh out of the house. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to work on the marriage and in the meantime the kids missed him.

They asked where daddy was? They also noticed that Mackenzie’s has been running a little hot lately and so they asked where their dad was because they said he’s nicer. Mackenzie couldn’t exactly tell them the truth. She instead went to her mom for advice and her mother thought she should consider taking Josh back. Her mom is very big on family. She doesn’t want the kids to miss out and in doing so she even suggested that maybe Mackenzie should consider the part she played in everything. And Mackenzie shut that down. She said she hates it when women blame themselves for what their husband did and so she wasn’t going to be doing that any time soon.

Tyler and Catelynn were in a different place. They went to Hawaii together and they renewed their vows.


Kristine Francis:
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