Chicago Fire Recap 01/12/22: Season 10 Episode 11 “Fog Of War”

Tonight on NBC Chicago Fire returns with an all-new Wednesday, January 12, 2022, season 10 episode 11 called, “Back With a Bang,” and we have your Chicago Fire recap below. On tonight’s Chicago Fire season 10 episode 8 as per the NBC synopsis, “On a call with Station 37, a firefighter is struck by a power line and decides to lash out after her injury; Brett is visited by Scott and Amelia; Violet gets a surprise envelope; the rest of 51 enters a contest.”

Tonight’s Chicago Fire season 10 episode 11 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our Chicago Fire recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Chicago Fire begins tonight with Kelly Severide (Taylor Kinney) in the kitchen making coffee, when Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) cuddling up to him. She reminds him that she meant what she said that she does want to marry him; a million times over. She knows she screwed up and needs to earn his trust, but he assures her they are good and they kiss as she tells him she lvoes him.

Violet Mikami (Hanako Greensmith) and Blake Gallo (Alberto Rosende) talk with Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer) about her visit with Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer); she admits it was a great time, just over too quick. She learns that Violet’s floater was Evan Hawkins (Jimmy Nicholas) and she says he was impressive, explaining their call with the newborn. Gallo is clearly jealous and reminds them they cannot be late for the morning briefing.

Christopher Herrmann (David Eigenberg) comes into the common area with his stereo blasting. He tells Darren Ritter (Daniel Kyri) to shhhhh as they hear there is a contest on the radio. Joe Cruz (Joe Minoso) tells Ritter to shut up as they listen for the first clue. Randall McHolland (Christian Stolte) asks about it as everyone agrees they are in to find the fugitive and they can share the 10 thousand dollars. The house gets a call and Herrmann tells them to stay safe and be back by 2 for the next clue.

They arrive on scene as Lt Jason Pelham (Brett Dalton) calls in the scene about a live wire being down, needing the power company to respond to that location; they are 15 minutes out. He says they are not waiting as Severide starts calling orders. 37 arrives and Pelham agrees for them to help, all working together to rescue the driver from the car trapped under the powerlines. Severide is working to pry the door open when the transformer catches fire and explodes. Mouch is off to help someone else when a firefighter from the 37 has a powerline drop in front of her. She calls for help but no one can hear her. She tries to use a poker to secure the line, but as Mouch shouts for her to wait the powerline jumps and hits her in the chest.

Mouch screams that they have a man down and helps to move her. Jason yells for Brett as Mouch explains that she got zapped by a downed line. Her pupils are equal but she is concussed. Brett calls for a second bus as Severide tells the squad to pick up their gear. Back at the house, Severide and Jason talk about the transformer, both feeling it could be a defective unit as there was no reason for the fire. Stella, Sylvie and Violet feel that McBride is happy to be alive.

The men rush back in as everyone waits for the next clue about the fugitive. Herrmann is very serious as they get the next clue. Ritter is able to decipher the clues, sending the guys out to keep their eyes open but he is going to stay at the firehouse with binoculars, just in case.

Sylvie talks about all her trips of seeing Matt are causing her not to spend time with her 2 yr old sister. She is given a little EMS teddybear to give her. Violet approaches her, telling Sylvie about the award she is being put up for. Sylvie is proud of her as Violet is underwhelmed.

Wallace Boden (Eamonn Walker) comes to see Jason, telling him that McBride is going to be out for a few weeks. She is blaming him for it, saying he told her to secure the line and that is what is going in the report, as Pelham denies it.

Everyone is called into a meeting that was at the scene. Everyone is on Jason’s side, saying this was crazy. Mouch admits he saw her go down but no one can confirm if she was acting on orders or not. Capp (Randy Flagler) heard her lt put her on hose duty. Cruz says its the fog of war, there were down lines, victims to save. Jason says he may have said something that she didn’t misunderstand. Mouch says they all have Jason’s back as Boden says he needs statements from everyone to see what they witnessed; 37 is doing the same. Looking at Jason, saying once they review all statements the truth will shake up.

Stella tells Severide that she knows Sarah McBride and wants to know if he thinks that Pelham did this. Severide says he doesn’t know Sarah but he knows Jason and he is solid. Violet, Brett and Gallo all agree they are behind Pelham. Sylvie gets Violet to tell Gallo about her award, he says he is happy for her and walks away.

Sylvie’s sister, Amelia arrives at the firehouse. Scott says he is staying a few days as he doesn’t want to impose but Sylvie says he needs to stay for a while with all the plans she has; inviting Violet to join; but she is busy looking over at Jason.

Mouch joins Ritter at Molly’s, where they reveal the next clue for the contest. Severide takes his beer and its with Jason, telling him about how it was impossible for him to give Sarah an order when the line didn’t come down until he gave the orders; Jason has no idea why she is gunning for him, saying that there is nothing personal between them. Kelly explains how he works the investigations because his father used to work arson in the day. Kelly agrees for him to join him on the investigation.

Stella comes to see Sarah who is in physical therapy, who is out for 2-4 weeks. She calls her a badass for surviving that kind of voltage. Stella confronts her about her claims. She says she understands and is not there to give her a hard time. Stella plays that Pelham is new and asks her about it. She wants to know what really happened, saying the reports are too dry. Stella says she couldn’t have seen from his position that the line went down and Sarah gets defensive, saying she has said everything she is going to say and walks away.

Kelly and Jason arrive at the scene as the power company is dealing with the transformer. They are told they are only there to replace this thing. Severide is given permission to take the old transformer so they can investigate it. Pelham stands where he was when it exploded, saying there was no sight line for him to even have told her anything. Kelly suggests him to keep his head down and let the chips fall, Jason vents that with his record this is an ax, no chips will fall.

Sylvie stands with Scott, who says it is such a fun age. She shares that things are fine with her and Matt being long distance. She says they are trying to spend more time together, Sylvie smiles as Amelia calls out Matt’s name, smiling.

Boden meets with Pelham, Severide and Stella, admitting that no one call stand by Sarah’s account of what happened, but no one is contradicting her either. Jason explains how they were back at the scene yesterday and he has never been more sure that he could not have told her anything. Boden and Severide say it will be a he said-she said scenario. Stella tells everyone she went to see Sarah, but she got a weird hit – defensive hit from her and something isn’t right.

Kelly meets with his investigation unit, as they find out the power company used transformers that are 10 years past their expiry date. He talks about Kelly working with Wendy Seager (Andy Allo) and how she complains that work is no fun without him. Violet receives a letter from headquarters, she thanks Carly but at Gallo’s pushing she opens the award. There is a note from Chief Hawkins, saying for her to keep up the good work, this is one of many more to come. I am sure of it. Ritter is thrilled for her as Gallo stays abnormally quiet, wanting to know what they should do with Hawkins; complaining that Hawkins is there all the time, writing cute little notes for Violet. Ritter says he is reacting this way because he has feelings for her and blew it. Gallo says it is wrong as he is her boss.

Sylvie and Violet are sent out on a call, where the neighbor brings them into the apartment, where a man is shouting for someone to get it off. Travis is usually a pretty chill guy and he is just saying it’s getting worse. Violet asks for medication that is used for cardiac arrest, she takes the needle and shoves it in his ear. The buzzing stopped and he lays on the ground. Sylvie digs into his ear and is able to retrieve the bug.

They leave as Sylvie says that was revolting and Violet is incredible. She admits there was a vibe between her and Hawkins as Sylvie reminds her that she is a great medic and she deserves that award. Meanwhile, Boden comes to see Stuart, on the West side. He learns that Stewart is a great worker and very honest in his experience. He is surprised at all the attention she is getting as Chief Killbourne came to see her earlier in the week. Boden learns that Killbourne called about her after the accident, before she filed her accusation; but when Boden pushes it, he says he cannot be sure and should take it up with Killbourne.

Herrmann wants to know if Boden would allow them to take the rigs to hunt down a fugitive that is downtown; Mouch feels Boden has a Lt on the ropes and they need to be showing their support and not ask for favors. Before they can say anything more, they get a call for a care fire downtown, Herrmann says this is an act of God himself. They arrive on scene and there is no fire but plenty of glass. A woman asks if she can cross and Herrmann tells her to remain there, a pedestrian standing next to her, asks if she is the fugitive and wins the money. Ritter witnesses what happens and walks away.

Boden finds Killbourne and tells him he knows that he is not happy that he hired Jason Pelham and now a firefighter in his district files against him. He feels Killbourne saw an opportunity and found her in a vulnerable state, pressuring her into this story. Killbourne says that is one hell of an accusation, asking if he can prove it. Both having their own theories, saying he told Boden Pelham was bad news and this now is on Boden’s shoulders.

Jason wants to know how they are going to prove this. Boden understands why he took the hit but now its clear Killbourne has it out for him. Jason reiterates his story saying his only crime was not following the old school code of turning a blind eye to a crime. He forced Stafford into retirement and that is something Killbourne won’t forgive him for.

Herrmann says the contest chasing was not a waste of time, informing them of another one they can compete in. Scott brings Amelia to say goodbye to Sylvie as he suggests they come to the city more often as she needs to see Matt more often. He tells her about when him and Julie met and how he wished for one more movie night with her as he had always worked. His hope is she gets as much time as possible to be with Matt and they will come to her every once in a while, a deal she accepts.

Violet comes to see Evan, saying the award is a real honor and that they did this together. She isn’t sure she deserves it. He stands behind his decision as she wonders if he has feelings for her. He stammers but says no personal issues will affect his decision making while at work. She thanks him, as there is an awkward silence before he says they need to make a real effort to stay away from each other for a while, she thinks it is a good idea and leaves his office.

Stella returns to the loft, where Severide suggests they order in. Stella says she finds it odd that he never mentioned working a big case with Seager. He says he would have told her had she picked up even one of her calls. She feels he cannot totally forgive her but he thinks she is the one who can’t let it go. She knows she let him and Boden down as she explained she needed time to figure things out. He walks up to her, reminding her that not everyone is perfect, not even Stella Kidd. She thinks maybe she wants to be the perfect one for him. Severide sighs as they stare at each other. Stella grabs his face and kisses him. Kelly tells her she is the perfect one for him.

Boden comes to see Jason Pelham at home. Boden informs him that they finished reviewing his case as Jason offers him a beer. Jason wants to know how bad it is as Boden says they are recommending termination. Jason begins to shake and downs his beer before throwing the can at his house. Boden watches as Jason gets upset.


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