Celebrity Quote Of The Day By Katherine Heigl

"He is stupid hot.  It's ridiculous.  Even his hands are beautiful." Katherine Heigl finds Ashton Kutcher attractive even though she's…

Robyn Good

Which Celebs Were Born On Your Birthday (04/12/2010)?

Happy Birthdays For April 12th, 2010 Shannen Doherty 1971 Memphis Tennessee Actress, TV regular since she was 12, "Little House…

Robyn Good

Kristen Stewart has admitted she loves Robert Pattinson

The 20-year-old actress - who stars alongside the British heartthrob in 'The Twilight Saga' movies - said she feels strongly…

Robyn Good

Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel Splitsville?

Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake, who have been dogged by suggestions their union is close to breaking up for some…

Robyn Good

Did Michelle ‘Bombshell’ McGee have A Brief Relationship With Pink’s Husband?

According to Michelle's ex-husband Shane Modica the tattoo model - who had an affair with Sandra Bullock's husband Jesse James…

Annemarie LeBlanc

Jon & Kate Are Typical – We Have Met The Enemy and He Is Us

Jon and Kate Gosselin are incredibly popular and people marvel at why that is. Well we know the secret -…

Dr. Jody Overland

Pop-Ed: Is Jon Gosselin Trying to Be Unlikeable?

Pop-Ed: Is Jon Gosselin Trying to Be Unlikeable? No, Rihanna Wasn’t Kidding With this Outfit Fergie Was A Cheater Mariah…

Robyn Good

Pamela Anderson Celebrates Her All-Vegan Shake At Millions Of Milkshakes (04.09.10)

Actress and DWTS competitor Pamela Anderson launching her all vegan milkshake at Millions Of Milkshakes in West Hollywood, CA (04.09.10) …

Robyn Good

Kate Moss Covers Harper’s Bazaar Bulgaria Spring 2010

The always lovely English model 36 year old Kate Moss graces the Spring 2010 cover of Harper's Bazaar Bulgaria.  The…

Robyn Good

Is Quentin Tarantino Smoking That “Wacky Tobacky”? He Is Keen To Work With Lindsay Lohan

The 'Kill Bill' director is believed to want to work with the troubled 23-year-old star in an effort to bolster…

Robyn Good