Glee Season 4 Premiere Review: Total Disaster ‘The End Is Near’

In the macabre season four premiere, we witnessed a different, mature and over-stylized production of a show which was once…

Renier Palland

RHONY’s Aviva Drescher Calls Ramona Singer and Sonja Morgan ‘Overweight, Old ladies Gone Wild’

This is one of those ugly fights that just isn’t going away anytime soon. I’m talking about the downright nasty…

Robyn Good

Video Of Kate Middleton Topless Scandal (Video)

The world flipped on its axis when we learned that Kate Middleton and Prince William were illegally photographed sunbathing while…

Sphinx Kat

Topless Kate Middleton Exposed In French Tabloid Scandal (Photo)

The is she or isn't she question might be solved tomorrow because Kate Middleton is baring all! Closer magazine will publish…

Jeanne Adams

Breaking News: Prince Harry Attacked By Taliban In Fatal Attack – Two US Marines Murdered

We all joked that Prince Harry was being sent away after his Las Vegas photo scandal, but it is too…

Sphinx Kat

America’s Next Top Model Cycle 19 Episode 4 Recap 9/14/12

America’s Next Top Model airs tonight on the CW with an all new episode. Tonight’s episode is called "The Girl…

Robyn Good

The War To Bring Back ‘All My Children’ To Television Is Not Over!

The fight to get the classic soap opera, All My Children, back into production and then on our TV screens…

Robyn Good

Ian Somerhalder and Emma Watson Fifty Shades of Grey New Trailer (Video)

Due to popular appeal, Celeb Dirty Laundry is bringing you a new Fifty Shades of Grey trailer with more chutzpah…

Renier Palland

How Stacey Kiebler Lost George Clooney

There is no bigger way than to kill the feelings that the ultimate bachelor in Hollywood, George Clooney, has for…

Debbie Pace

Do You Think It Was Wrong For Jenelle Evans To Take Back Kieffer Delp?

Today’s hottest news is out from our favorite sites and thanks to all of our HOT celebrities, there is plenty…

Robyn Good