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Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Back Together – Meet Up For Hotel Date!

Hold your horses on the break up, Jelena might not be over just yet! Sources spotted Justin Bieber and Selena…

Justin Bieber Turning To Justin Timberlake For Break Up Advice

I knew it. First comes massive break up and heartache and then comes the sad sack ballad. I called that…

Kristen Stewart Orders Robert Pattinson Not To Touch Her When Cameras Aren’t Around

Kristen Stewart is proving to be a whole lot shier over her love with Robert Pattinson when the cameras aren't…

Kate Middleton To Be Next Queen Of England, Camilla Parker-Bowles Officially Passed Over!

So this explains all the sack dresses! I'd figured that Camilla Parker-Bowles had given up on caring if she ever heard…

Report: Tom Cruise Forcing Katie Holmes And Suri Cruise To Spend Holidays With Him

Um... awkward much? Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes seemed to have the co-parenting thing down. Katie kept Suri and Tom…

Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Make Each Other Jealous, Go To Bed With Other People

And let the games begin! The world is reacting in a crazy way to the Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez…

Honeymoon’s Over For Jessica Biel And Justin Timberlake, Couple Fighting Constantly!

I'd hate to say I told you so Jessica Biel but shame on you for thinking Justin Timberlake was going…

Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Break Up Because Of Crazy Schedules – And Models (Photos)

You could feel it coming. Any social media meteorologist could have told you the signs were there. But for those…

Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Break Up: How Long Before They Re-Kindle Their Fizzled Romantic Flame?

As we reported earlier, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber have broken up. While many people out there might be shocked, we…

CDL Exclusive: WWE Diva Amy Weber Releases Exciting New Single “Dance of Life” — Listen to it Here!

[PHOTO REMOVED] Former WWE Diva Amy Weber had her laptop stolen last week and, instead of letting the thief bank…