Amber Portwood

Teen Mom Amber Portwood Evades Jail – But is Headed For Rehab

Teen Mom star Amber Portwood has been locked up in jail since December 16th for violating her probation.  No, the…

Teen Mom Amber Portwood Gets 5 Year Sentence, But Could Get Probation

Teen Mom star Amber Portwood, 21,  has been in jail since before the holidays and if things don't go her…

Amber Portwood Doing Time For Hillbilly Heroin

The truth has come out about why Amber Portwood is spending another Christmas in jail. A police report reveals that…

Amber Portwood arrested for ‘old pills’ says brother Shawn

Amber Portwood arrested for “old pills” says brother Shawn Starcasm An Unusually Animated Katie Holmes Enjoys Brunch At Bubby’s –…