Storage Wars

Storage Wars Wild Brawl on Video: Swearing and Violence Encouraged by Producers?

It looks like the people over at Storage Wars seem to be taking notes from other reality shows that get…

CDL Giveaway: Win The Best of Pawn Stars, American Pickers, and Storage Wars DVDs! (VIDEO)

On August 20th, Lionsgate Entertainment will be releasing three special DVDs from American Pickers, Pawn Stars, and Storage Wars. Each collection…

Lionsgate Home Entertainment to Release Best of American Pickers, Pawn Stars, and Storage Wars DVDs!

One of my guilty pleasures in television land (though perhaps I don't need to feel so guilty about it) is…

Storage Wars Recap: Season 3 Episode 3 & 4, 6/12/12

Tonight on A & E is an all new episode of Storage Wars. On tonight’s show our treasure hunters to…

Storage Wars Recap: Season 3 Premiere 6/5/12

Storage Wars is back tonight with whole new episode.  Are you excited to see our favorite treasure hunters back on…