Suri Cruise

Tom Cruise Reunites With Suri Cruise For The First Time Since Divorce

Suri Cruise was back in Tom Cruise's arms this morning as the actor flew in to New York to visit…

Katie Holmes Stripping Suri Cruise Of Her Clothes And Tom Cruise’s Influence

Katie Holmes is starting to get serious in her role as a single parent and embarking on a campaign to…

Is Katie Holmes Putting Suri Cruise In Danger? (Photos)

Things have settled down ever since the Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorce settlement bombshell hit last week leaving most…

Tom Cruise Finally Finds Time To Talk To Daughter Suri In A Video Chat

Tom Cruise has been video chatting with Suri Cruise and he allegedly smiled like a serial killer who had too…

Suri Cruise Enrolled In Lady Gaga’s Old School

A lot of changes are happening in the life of Suri Cruise - not only have her famous parents, Katie…

Tom Cruise Ready To Sue National Enquirer Over Claim That Suri Was Locked In Windowless Room

For many celebrities any press is good press, negative or not. However, Tom Cruise has not and will not tolerate…

Is Scientology Bending Rule So Tom Cruise Can Keep Suri Cruise Close To Religion? (Photos)

An interesting story in the Village Voice this week highlighted discontent in the world of ex-scientologists who are upset that…

Tom Cruise Chooses Scientology Over Daughter Suri Cruise

This gets freakier than looking in a mirror and having Gary Busey stare back at you. Marty Rathbun, the ex-Scientologist…