Kevin Federline Takes His Kids To A Park In LA (01/31/10)

Britney Spear’s ex-husband Kevin Federline out at a park on a beautiful sunday morning in Los Angeles with his girlfriend Victoria Prince and his 4 kids from both Shar Jackson and Britney Spears, Kori, Kaleb, Sean and Jayden James.   At one point, one of the older girls helped Sean put his shoes back on and even wiped the sand out of his socks…   Photos: Flynet Pictures

Kevin with Sean Federaline his son with Britney Spears.

Sean Federline, Britney Spear’s son & Kaleb Federalin Shar Jackson’s son.

Jayden Federline, Britney Spear’s son.

Kori Federaline, Shar Jackson’s daughter & Kevin Federaline’s girlfriend Victoria Prince.

Robyn Good:
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