Donald Driver Dancing With The Stars Argentine Tango Performance Video 5/21/12

Donald Driver danced the Argentine Tango for the judges choice tonight during the first night of Dancing With The Stars finale week. Tonight each couple will complete in two dances.  One dance will be chosen by the judges it will be a dance that they have previously performed.

The second dance is the ever popular freestyle which will be danced to music that the couple has chosen themselves, this sounds fun – I can’t wait to see what they come up with!    We recapped the tonight’s show for you and if you want to see how all the couples did go HERE!  Did you see Donald’s performance last week if you missed it you can see it here!

Donald Driver and professional dancer Peta Murgatroyd, dancing the Argentine Tango.  Donald tweeted about this week’s dances: “The dances this week are freestyle and the judges pick. They pick Argentine Tango. So it will be crazy.”

Judges CommentsCarrie Ann: I loved it the first time and I loved it again. I wouldn’t say a lot more content. But what I love was there was  new crsip moves. Once again I love the first one I love again.  LenI felt there was far more content. I like the setup and the content of the dance as always the lifts were great. For me it was a tad careful. I would’ve liked you to go out of a bit stronger. Much better than the last time.  Bruno:   I think you’ve been very clever again, you went for the subtle and intimate. Very small in the details and very strong in dance. It was very very effective.

Scores:  Carrie Ann: 10  Len: 9  Bruno:  10  TOTAL 29/30

Vote for Donald Driver and Peta Murgatroyd at # 1-800-868-3403

Tomorrow the couples will perform a new routine in a “24 Hour Challenge” where they will have had 24 hours to pair a dance style of choice to music given to them after tonight’s show. This dance routine will get a score of up to 30 and will round out the judges’ scores from both nights.   At the end of it all tomorrow night one contestant will be award the Mirror Ball Trophy!  Who do you think will win?  Hit the  comments and let us know who you think will be going.

Watch the video below and let us know what you think? Do you think that Donald did enough to win the Mirror Ball Trophy? Sound out in the comments below!

Robyn Good:
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