Beyonce and Jay-Z Spend $6000 on Christmas Sex Toys – For Each Other Or For Someone Else?

Don’t know anyone that wakes up one day and said “damn, I need to upgrade my sex toys. The ones I have are so last season”. And yet Beyonce and husband Jay-Z apparently needed a whole new fresh set when they dropped $6,000 at Babeland. What happened? Did they break the ones at home or is this their first foray? Wouldn’t be a surprise if someone finally got to finish the Fifty Shades of Grey Series after being on tour for so long.

But why that amount of money. No offense to anyone that could put that amount of high quality of sex toys to good use (never thought I would say that), but these two have been so busy with their separate schedules that let’s hope at least the toys were for each other. Beyonce recently got back off of tour while Jay-Z’s schedule just picked up again. At this point they’re really like passing ships in the night. Maybe the toys are a way to stay in eaxh others’ thoughts. You know like a kind way of saying please miss me when you’re gone and surrounded by nasty groupies.

The toys they bought were all “top of the line” with one or possibly several items being gold plated. Please don’t let those purchases have been gifts for someone else. I’d rather not guess what Beyonce or Jay-Z do with their idle hands because frankly they are just way too many rumors to keep believing they’re a strong couple. There is no smoke without a dumb kid playing with fireworks.

There have always been rumors of infidelity but never this frequent before. Hopefully if this shopping has accomplished nothing else then let it serve as a way to stop people wondering how the marriage has survived such long separations.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Kristine Francis:
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