Big Brother 15 – Amanda Zuckerman and McCrae Olson In Love and Together: Andy Herren’s Cruel Remarks Refuted!

Amanda Zuckerman and McCrae Olson had probably one the quickest showmances in Big Brother history. From the moment the pizza boy from Minnesota met the real estate agent from Florida, it was obvious that it was love at first sight. What I loved most about McCranda was when they got “Big Brother” married in the house, the wedding was so beautiful and you could really see how much they cared about each other.

I personally think that Amanda and McCrae should be known as one of the best showmances in Big Brother history alongside Jeff Schroeder & Jordan Lloyd from seasons 11 and 13 and Brendon Villegas & Rachel Reilly from seasons 12 and 13; they are all sweet couples who are still together after the show.

Sadly, one of McCranda’s former housemates in the Big Brother 15 house who pretended to have an alliance with them and ended up stabbing both of them in the back, is now saying that their relationship is doomed to not have a happy ending. Yes, we are talking about tricky dicky himself, Andy Herron.

In a recent interview, Andy said that there is no way that Amanda and McCrae are still together, “Hell no! Oh my God, no way at all” in fact, he even said “I bet they’ve forgotten each other already, like on their flights home, I do not think they are the best match for each other and I do not think they will last too long.”

We have news for Andy! CDL spoke with Amanda’s dad today, Robert Zuckerman, and confirmed that Amanda and McCrae are very much in love and still together.  In fact they are enjoying a visit at the Olson Family home where they are welcome guests.  Yes, Amanda and McCrae are still going strong and who knows, maybe a “real” reality TV televised wedding will be in their future for all the McCranda fans out there to enjoy!

Roberto Roberto:
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