Kris Jenner and Bruce Jenner’s Marriage Over: Only A Business Relationship Remains – CDL Exclusive Interview

If you pay any type of attention to celeb news then you’ve seen tons on Kris Jenner lately. According to recent reports Bruce Jenner took advantage of family time on Easter Sunday to talk to the family, minus Kris, to gently break the news that he is about to pull the plug on their long time marriage. If you’ve watched the recent seasons of Keeping Up With the Kardashian’s then you’ve seen that things have clearly gotten a lot more stressful between the couple. In one episode Bruce up and left the family compound and it took two days for his wife to even notice that he was MIA! Is this a new phase for the couple?

Pam Behan, the Kardashian’s former nanny, told Celeb Dirty Laundry in an exclusive interview that these two have never really been attached at the hip like some other Hollywood couples are.

The life in the spotlight has to take a toll. Are they going to divorce? I have no idea. I always talk to Bruce once a year on our shared birthday and last fall he sounded like everything was fine, like always. They have always had one of those relationships where it’s almost like a business relationship. Kris and the girls go and do their own thing and that’s not necessarily bad. Bruce has also done his own thing but they always end up together for family meals and trips. If that’s what works for them, then it works. Sometimes people stay together and are miserable for years and if that’s the case then I hope that they would put an end to the misery. I’m a Christian and totally believe on working on marriage but if that work isn’t helping then maybe it’s time to do something else in order to be happy.

Some people just can’t be together 24/7 or even 7 days a week for that matter and perhaps Kris and Bruce have always fallen into that category. Although I think it’s pretty obvious that there are problems there and I have to wonder, if Bruce dropped out of sight for 48 hours ten years ago, would Kris have noticed sooner? If it truly is just a relationship of convenience then perhaps just changing the rules a bit would be enough to fix things, wouldn’t you think?

Is it time for Bruce to put an end to his own misery and move on? Obviously this relationship doesn’t seem to be serving his original needs very well, don’t you think? Will Kris and Bruce get themselves on better footing or is that just wishful thinking at this point? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet and Pam Behan

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