Siberia RECAP 9/16/13: Season 1 Finale “…Into the Oven”

NBC SIBERIA continues tonight with a new episode called, “…Into the Oven.” On tonight’s show in the season finale, a reunion of the contestants marks a possibility of hope and salvation but the eventual arrival of the rescue party turns out to be the most dangerous encounter yet. Did you watch last week’s episode? We did and we recapped it for you, right here.

On last week’s show Neeko, Miljan and Sabina were abducted by a hostile local tribe and fearing for their lives make a surprising discovery at natives’ camp. Meanwhile, Joyce, Sam, Johnny and Daniel were desperate to find a way to communicate with the world outside the research station and in the process found unsettling evidence of strange and deadly experiments that had been conducted there and may well be ongoing with them as the subjects.

On tonight’s show following the path shown to them by the Evenki natives, Miljan (Miljan Milosevic), Esther (Esther Anderson), Irene (Irene Yee), Annie (Anne-Marie Mueschke), Neeko (Neeko O.J. Skervin) and Sabina (Sabina Akhmedova) come upon the research station where Joyce (Joyce Giraud), Sam (Sam Dobbins), Johnny (John Wactor) and Daniel (Daniel David Sutton) have been holed up. But what might have been a happy reunion is complicated by the revelation that one of the contestants is stuck in hidden minefield surrounding the research station and the rescue party coming to save them might not be who they seem.

Tonight’s season finale of Siberia is going to be an exciting one that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of NBC’s Siberia at 10 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know what you think of Siberia season 1.  Enjoy the show.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

It’s the finale tonight. Where we last saw them Neeko, Esther, Anne Marie, Sabina, Miljan, and Irene were making it on their own to the village the native had assured was literally right around the corner. Their travels led them to other contestants who had originally set out to get help. Hopefully this is no the village the naties talked about. As help they were looking forward to is now all dead.

No matter the other guy are happy to see their former castmates but as with everything else that goes right something go wrong. Danny wants to see Irene and her miraculous journey only to find she has the worst luck of the lot. She stepped on a landmine.

Danny is automatically suspicious. He tries to tell the others that a landmine would have went off by now.No one is willing to believe him. They don’t think Irene should risk it by listening COMPUTER PROGRAMMER. No she should remain standing while they wait for help.

Danny has no choice but convince her himself. He crosses the obvious barbed wire fence. The one Irene should have noticed and he goes and hugs her. That allows her to shift and you know what; he was right. Nothing happens. The “landmine” was a dud.

Now it’s all about catching up. They get inside and warm themselves. Even experience some regular food. The first they’ve had since starting the show. Everyone shares their stories about what happened since they’ve last met. It sounds more like war stories with Johnny getting electrocuted and Sam falling through ice and having delusions. But Anne Marie takes Sam’s afterlife hallucination to heart.

Sam had talked about seeing his dead wife and that reminded Anne Maries that Natalie is dead. She leaves the group but Sam follows her once he found out why. He comforts her over her lost.

Later when the air has returned to being festive the group notice military trucks pulling up. They all get excited believing they were getting rescued. They rush outside only to have guns pulled on them. These people aren’t here to help. They force everyone to the ground and have them by gunpoint. All except Johnny and Daniel who were lucky enough not to get noticed and are hiding indoors.

Joyce tries to explain to the soldiers that they were part of a reality TV show. The G-men think she’s lying and were seconds away from executing her when someone opened fire on them. The contestants are ushered back into a building while the soldiers continue to fight some enemy.

Miljan thinks they should all rush out and try to steal a truck. Esther wants to see if they will arrest them. That way they could maybe make a call to an embassy. Sam informs her he heard the soldiers saying how they plan to execute them all. Which odd seeing as they put the contestants indoors for safe keeping.

They decide to make a run for a truck. They overpower their guard and make it to the truck and just as they pull away they notice they left someone behind. They tried to stop and wait for Anne Marie but she was shot down. They had no choice but to leave her body behind.

By the next morning they all mourn her. Yet they’ve run into another problem. The truck got stuck in the snow. Everyone needs to get out and push. Esther suggests she drives and that Johnny helps the others push. When the truck gets free though the contestants notice Esther isn’t stopping. She abandons them.

Miljan informs them why. He tells them that Esther got her hands on the prize money already. It was the Dr. Who box. She snuck it out before “checking” it over with Neeko. Milijan knows all of this because she just screwed them out of their deal.

Luckily the rest of the cast mates were able to walk and spot the town all on their own. Sadly the town is the spitting replica of what happened at the Chernobyl disasters. The town has been evacuated to the nearest military area. The only good piece of news is that they found their truck. It’s minus Esther and half a million dollars.

They also find an apartment with its lights still on. No one was inside but now they have shelter. And a gun. Miljan found the gun but he’s not telling anyone else.

They’ve accepted its only them and are making the best out of their new living situation when Sabina tells everyone about a tape she found in the woods. Johnny and Joyce are on it. They encounter a beast and oddly something sent up a green radiating light that inflamed the sky. Horrible special effects that neither Johnny or Joyce remember being a part of. They could have pulled it off if they were better actors however they are not.

No has time to replay the video though. They’ve got visitors. The guy comes upon them and in a british accent says they’re not supposed to be here. No Shiitake Sherlock!


Annemarie LeBlanc:
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