Cassandra Ferguson Bachelor Contestant: Baby Daddy Is Detroit Pistons’ Rodney Stuckey – More Famous Than Juan Pablo!

As Season 18 of The Bachelor unfolds, we are beginning to learn more about the women competing for Juan Pablo’s heart. This week on Episode 2 of The Bachelor, the youngest contestant, 21 year old Cassandra Ferguson took Juan Pablo aside and dropped a bomb on him. Cassandra revealed that she has a two year old son back home in Michigan named Trey. Later on in the episode Cassandra broke down because she missed her son, and Juan Pablo promised her that if he wasn’t feeling a connection between them he would let her know ASAP, so she could get her home to her baby. Being a parent himself, he could relate. How sweet!

One thing Cassandra didn’t reveal on The Bachelor though, is that her baby-daddy is famous! (Although that probably wouldn’t be much of a turn-on for Juan Pablo). Her adorable two year old son Trey, is the son of Detroit Pistons point-guard Rodney Stuckey, which doesn’t come as a shock considering Cassandra was a Detroit Pistons Dancer. In 2011 Rodney signed a 3 year contract with the Pistons for $25 Million! Stuckey did sit out a portion of the Piston’s season in 2013 after a tragic “shut my thumb in my own car door” accident, but he is back on the court now.

I’m assuming Cassandra and Rodney Stuckey are no longer together, or else she wouldn’t have competed to be on The Bachelor. But, I still can’t help but wonder why she didn’t try out for a reality show that was more up her alley, like Basketball Wives?

Amanda Austin:
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