Nikki Ferrell Warned That Bachelor Juan Pablo Is A Fake by Ex-Boyfriend Ryan McDill

Thank goodness for ABC choosing such a lousy candidate to be the current Bachelor. Seriously, Juan Pablo’s special brand of douchebagery has given CDL quite a bit to talk about in recent weeks. How this clown convinced the network that he was looking for true love in the first place is beyond me. Unless they really wanted to shake things up by picking a guy that was truly going to make people talk – for all the wrong reasons to generate a different kind of buzz. If that was the goal then mission accomplished, otherwise this season may very well be the last.

I’m not sure how all of the women hand picked for Juan Pablo to reject didn’t see through him right from the start but in the end it was pure venom being spilled on the After the Final Rose special. Nikki Ferrell may have been in the unfortunate position to be the last woman standing but if she had rose colored glasses on then those close to her tried to bring her to her senses.

According to the March 24th print edition of Star magazine Ryan McDill, Nikki’s ex-boyfriend realized that Juan Pablo was there for anything and everything but love pretty early on. He and Nikki split last summer after a year of dating but still remain friends. Ryan claims that Nikki is actually a really great girl that is ready to settle down. Not being on the same page actually caused their split and he is truly hoping that Nikki isn’t in love with Juan Pablo because clearly this clown has no interest in marrying any one at all.

Do you think Nikki will listen to those closest to her and bail out of the fake relationship with Juan Pablo before she really gets hurt? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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