Chasing Life Recap – April Quits Chasing: Season 2 Finale “La Dolce Vida”

Chasing Life returns to ABC Family tonight for an all new Monday September 28, season 2 finale called “La Dolce Vida,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, in the Season 2 finale, April (Italia Ricci) and Beth (Aisha Dee)  prepare for their trip to Rome. Meanwhile, Greer (Gracie Dzienny) returns with news that she’s moving back to Boston.

On the last episode, April’s old college pal visited her, and soon the rivalry that existed between then reignited. Elsewhere, Beth’s job and relationship were in jeopardy after she received some disturbing news. Did you watch last week’s episode?  We did and we recapped it right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC Family synopsis, “in the Season 2 finale, April and Beth prepare for their trip to Rome. Meanwhile, Greer returns with news that she’s moving back to Boston; and Brenna feels both excited and conflicted about Finn.”

Tonight’s episode of CHASING LIFE is going to be really exciting and we’ll be recapping it for you right here. In the meantime hit up the comments and tell us your thoughts about the show!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#ChasingLife starts with April in Rome. She looks at ruins then sits and writes in a journal. She was dreaming and Beth apologizes for waking her. April says she couldn’t sleep last night. Beth says she doesn’t have to come with her this morning but April insists and rushes to change. She says she’s stuck on her memoir outline. She says the question is how will she end it. Beth says she’s got a lot on her mind right now with Natalie and her mom.

They head out to Beth’s baby appointment. Beth freaks out over the needle when she has to give blood and asks April how she does this. April says to closer he eyes and breathe deep. April nods to the nurse to do it. Beth whines about her low pain tolerance and says she can’t have a baby. The doc says she’s about six weeks pregnant. Beth says that means Josh the pharmaceutical rep is her baby daddy and rants at April for this being all her fault.

Beth is lashing out and hormonal. The doc says she has time to think about her options. Sara texts April to come home. They have a copy of the manuscript that Olivia is selling of Thomas’. April says a rookie reporter would figure out the last chapter about Thomas’s assisted death. April says she’s certain Natalie already told her mom. George has to meet with their attorney about the manuscript rights and Sara and April insist they’re going too. Calvin tells April she needs to submit the outline in two weeks.

She’s freaking. Later, she’s with Dominic for a guitar lesson. She complains about her outline and Dominic encourages her. She says she and Beth are going to go to Italy to look for inspiration. She says she has her tickets from her honeymoon she never got to use. Dom says they should get together before they go. He says he has big news too – his mom found a buyer for the house. He says it’s for the best. He says he may leave Boston.

They ask George to sign over publishing rights to the manuscript. The lawyer says she heard they already agreed to this. The attorney leaves them to talk. April says she knows why Natalie is upset and says she should have talked to them. Natalie says her uncle killed her dead and Olivia says they had no right. Sara says no one told them. Sara says the book coming out will hurt all of them. Olivia says she helped by telling the police that George was driving because he told her Thomas was drunk.

Olivia says they deserve to be taken care of too. She says to sign the rights or she’ll go to the police. Natalie and Olivia walk out. The family tells Brenna what happened and Sara says he gets them into a lot of trouble trying to protect them. Brenna doesn’t think Natalie would do this but April says she will. Brenna gets a text and says Finn is really sick. George says to text Finn and says which hospital to go to then they leave to go be with Finn.

April says the timing is bad for her Italy trip. Sara says she deserves the trip and needs to go. Brenna sits with Finna and says the nurse found the chips she was trying to sneak in. He hacks and says it’s okay. Brenna asks if he has the flu and if he remembers what they did after the dance. He says he wouldn’t forget. She worries that’s how he got sick and it’s her fault. He says he doesn’t know and she says they need to go back to full Bella and Edward and they can always sext.

Finn says it won’t work. He tells her being with her is all he can think about and says it can’t be. He says he has to focus on getting better. She’s shocked he’s dumping her. Brenna says he’s right. Finn says he likes her but maybe it’s not meant to be. He coughs some more and George comes to check on him and send Brenna out. Beth practices telling Josh about the baby by using Dom. He says the direct approach is best. She says she just wants a glass of wine.

She rants about quitting her job then turning up pregnant. There’s a knock and Natalie is there but is lukewarm to see April. Natalie asks if she can talk to April. Natalie says they’ve been through a lot and she’ll always be her donor but has to publish the book. Natalie says she has no idea what it’s like to feel like someone’s second choice and says she deserves it. April warns her that Brenna feels betrayed by her and asks Natalie if she can blame her. April lays out note cards for the outline and cuts her finger on one.

She wipes the blood then notices the bleeding won’t stop. She piles on more tissues but it all soaks through with blood. She knows what that means. April goes to see her doctors and says to break the news. They tell her that her counts took a steep dive. They tell her the trial isn’t working and staying on it won’t help. April asks what’s next. They tell her she can look into palliative care to enjoy the rest of her days comfortably. She’s stunned.

Her doctor boots out the clinical trial guy and she says they can still do the transplant and April asks if they can do it with active cancer. She says they can try it. Brenna is at school and sees Natalie come up to her. She asks why she’s there and Natalie says this doesn’t have to mess up things with them and says she’s still her big sister. Brenna says a big sister is someone who looks out for her and she can look up to and talk to her when she’s dumped. Natalie says she’s tired of being invisible.

Brenna says she taught her things didn’t have to be that way and says her sisters always believed she was good enough. Sara tells George they may need to talk to a lawyer. He says he might need to just go come clean about it all to save her and the girls further pain. Brenna comes in and says Sara isn’t alone. Sara says they’ll get through it as a family. April comes in and Brenna says Natalie came to school. George says he can just tell the truth and end this. April says they need to find another way.

April then tells them she got a paper cut that wouldn’t stop bleeding and found out the trial isn’t working. She says she’s going to Italy then will fight for her life. She says that’s what they all do. She says they will not let Olivia and Natalie publish it or George go to jail. She says they’ll fight it and win.

Dom hosts a farewell party for April and Beth. Danny says the Italian adventure sounds like a movie then says to watch out for German scientists who want to make them into a human centipede. Beth keeps pouring beer into a plant and April says just to tell him. Josh is there and says tell me what. Beth makes up something. Dom comes to sit with April. Brenna looks at photos of her and Finn on dance night. The doorbell rings. It’s Greer and she tells her they’re moving back to Boston.

Beth finds Josh in the bathroom and he thinks she wants sex. She tries to tell him through TV show episodes. Danny knocks on the door. Beth says to go away then tells Josh she’s pregnant. He says she drank five beers and she says she poured them in the plant to buy time. He says he’s processing. She says if he doesn’t want to be bothered it’s okay. He says whatever she wants to do, he’s with her then kisses her. She thanks him. She says she’s going to Italy and they can talk when she gets back.

He says he’ll be waiting. Danny busts in and says to leave if they don’t want to see him pee. April chats with Dom and he talks about moving being a crazy risk. She says it’s sad of him not being there. She says Danny told her that he still has feelings for her. Dominic asks why she’s bringing it up. She says if she dies tomorrow, she doesn’t want to regret not talking to him. She says she still has feelings for him too. He steps closer and kisses her. She stops him and says sorry.

He says he knows she’s not over Leo and says he’s trying to move on. He says two people wanting things doesn’t mean they get what they want. He says she’s going to get well. April says the next battle is going to be harder and says she can feel it. She says she didn’t want to leave without telling him how she felt. She thanks him for the party and leaves. Next day, George hands Olivia a cease and desist letter that shuts them down. Olivia says she’ll go to the cops.

George says it’s just a story and he’ll deny it. Sara tells Olivia she is doing more harm encouraging revenge. Natalie comes in and Olivia says they’re not backing down and says she’s been too nice. Sara asks when was she nice – when she slept with her husband or blackmailed her family. Natalie says this is done and she wants the feud over. Olivia says she wants Natalie to be happy and Natalie says to please drop this for her sake.

April is looking for her passport at her mom’s place. She finds the document and says hello Italy. She says Italy will change her life. She asks if she said goodbye to Dominic and April says maybe for good then says she may never get over Leo. Sara says Leo was charming and their love was epic then says the guy who sticks by you is the guy to be with. They all hug April and she sets out with Beth. April looks back and Beth asks if she forgot something.

She says they’ll be back soon. Dom shows up and says things go badly when one of them leaves the country. He asks if they’re not done and says he wants to know if there’s still hope for them. April says she doesn’t know about hope or the future and says right now is all she can think about. She tells him to come with them. She says they can swing by for him to pack a bag and grab his passport. He laughs. The three are in Italy hanging out.

They snap photos, talk and see the sights. April takes a selfie of the three of them and Beth runs to get gelato while April and Dom talk. She says being away from all of the drama in Boston has been life changing. She asks if he remembers her 37 regrets list. He says she’s done most of them and she says she’s done all of them. He says she can write new lists after she gets back and they get her better. Beth comes back with gelato melting down her arm. She licks it off.

Brenna dresses up for a night out with Greer and George teases her. She gets a text and says she got her update on her stem cell donation. She says her stem cell donor is still alive is in Boston, 17 and is lymphoma. She wonders if she could be Finn’s donor. George says it’s long odds and says most donors never get to see the gift of life they give their donors. She says she has to go. Sara comes in and then Brenna calls to them and they see cops at the door. They tell George they have some questions.

They are lost in Italy. Dom goes to ask directions. Beth says this place really has an effect on you. April agrees. Beth says she’s seen so much of the world because her mom never got to travel. Beth says she might be in that same boat. Beth says she’s not anti-abortion but views life differently now seeing April’s struggles. Beth says she’s decided. April gets a call from Boston and her vision blurs. Dom and April share some wine later. They look out over the rooftops.

April says she could die here literally. She says the call was Dr Hamburg and she said no more clinical trials. A transplant is a last ditch effort. Dom says they have to do it. April says this is her final chapter and she doesn’t want a transplant that can kill her slowly in front of all of them. She says if she died tomorrow, she lived more than many people do their whole lives. Beth says not to give up but April says she already won. She goes to look at the sunset. Beth and Dom are stunned and sad.

That’s it – and we don’t know if the show has been renewed. What a cliffhanger!


Stormy Elizabeth:
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