The Returned Recap 3/16/15: Season 1 Episode 2 “Simon”

The Returned airs tonight on A&E with an all new March 16, season 1 episode 2 called “Simon,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Simon [Pierre Perrier] pursues Rowan; Tommy investigates a brutal attack.

On the last episode, residents of the small mountain town of Caldwell, Washington grappled with the mysterious return of their dead loved ones. With no memory of their deaths, and no awareness of the time that had passed in their absence, the returned struggle to reintegrate into a world that has changed without them. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the A&E synopsis, “Simon pursues Rowan, complicating her feelings for Tomy. Jack and Claire decide to hide Camille’s return while Tommy investigates a brutal attack in town that has similarities to attacks that occurred years before.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be a great one and you’re not going to want to miss it. The Returned airs on A&E at 10:00 PM EST, while you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new series.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of The Returned kicks off with a flashback to six years ago – Simon is playing with his band on stage at the bar where Rowan is waitressing. After their set is over the lead singer announces that tomorrow morning Simon and Rowan are getting married – everyone cheers and claps for the happy couple. Lena and Camille are at the bar with their dad – Simon gives Lena a lesson on the drums and Rowan snaps a picture of them together.

The next morning Rowan and Simon wake up in bed together and she tries to kick him out – she says that it is bad luck for him to see her on their wedding day. Rowan shocks Simon and confesses to him that she is pregnant – he insists that he is happy, but he appears to be in shock. She hugs him and he cries. Later that day Rowan heads to the Church in her wedding dress and Simon stands her up at the altar. A police officer arrives to break the news to Rowan.

Fast forward to the present – Rowan is sitting in the same church with her daughter and her fiancé, who happens to be the sherriff that broke the news to Rowan that Simon was dead. Rowan and her fiancée are meeting with the pastor to finalize the details on their wedding. The Sherriff gets a phone call about a woman being stabbed in the tunnel, and he has to run out of their meeting early.

At the police station Julie snoops around and asks if anyone has filed a missing person’s report on the missing 8 year old boy. She lies to the cop and says that she just seen him walking down the road when she was driving home from work – she doesn’t bother to tell anyone that she took the little boy home with her.

Camille’s parents are thrilled to have her home and make her pancakes for breakfast. Lana isn’t as thrilled as her parents, she wants to know why they are just “pretending everything is normal.” Lena rants to her parents that they are being ridiculous and they don’t even know if it is really Camille. Lena storms out of the house and her dad follows her and tries to talk to her, she shouts that they can’t all just pretend that Camille didn’t die four years ago.

Julie heads home and finds Victor sitting in her livingroom eating snacks – she demands to know why no one is looking for him and no one filed a missing person’s report. Victor refuses to talk to her and just smiles as she asks him questions. Julie is shocked when he lunges forward and hugs her – but still doesn’t say anything.
At the church the pastor is reassuring Rowan that she and Tommy are going to share a “long and happy life together.” Rowan is skeptical after her ordeal with Simon. She confesses to the pastor that she thinks Tommy deserves better, she has been going crazy and seeing Simon. The pastor thinks it is normal for her to be thinking about Simon on her wedding day – and he thinks that Simone would want her to be happy.

Simon heads to the Dog Star and orders a sandwich. Lena spots him and snaps at him for leaving her in the middle of nowhere after she showed him where Rowan lives. She asks Simon why he looks so familiar – he tells her that she can try and figure it out while he goes to the bathroom, and he dips out the back door and doesn’t pay his tab.

Julie runs in to her nosey neighbor in the hallway – she gushes about how cute Victor is and then reveals to Julie that her patient Mr. Goddard committed suicide and jumped off the bridge. Julie is shocked and rushes off.

At the bar the police are questioning everyone about Lucy, the girl that was stabbed the night before. They all describe Simon and say that he was the last person that they seen her talking to before she left. Lena is watching someone play the drums and has a flashback to the night that Simone taught her how to play the drums. She heads over to the bulletin board and finds an old picture of her and Simon hanging on the board.

The police take the bartender Tony in for questioning – they accuse him of following Lucy in to the tunnel and stabbing her just like he did 7 years ago. They weren’t able to pin the crime on him then because there wasn’t enough evidence. They have a whole stack of women that were attacked and stabbed in the stomach – they show him stacks of photos of the victims, and they all have a symbol carved in to their stomachs. Tony is obviously shocked by the pictures of the symbol and he whispers, “That’s impossible.”

Simon heads to the library where Rowan works now, when she sees him she thinks that it is all in her head. She cries to him that she is going to move on and marry Tommy but she will always love him – kids rush in to the library and Simon slips out of the back before Rowan realizes that he is real. Simone starts walking down the street and a cop pulls up with his lights on.

Camille’s mom heads up to her room and finds it completely ransacked, she tore up all of her sister Lena’s pictures and then climbed out of her bedroom window and left. Her parents panic and begin calling Lena to tell her that her sister is missing. Camille’s mom cries that she is scared they just lost Camille all over again and she is never going to come back. Meanwhile, Camille heads to the bar and stands in the rain and watches everyone through the window. Camille’s mom finds her and she is crying outside of the bar, she seen the boy she used to have a crush on named Hunter – and he didn’t even recognize her. Camille sobs to her mom that “everyone moved on without her.”

Simon is brought in to the police station and they take him in to the interrogation room – he insists that his name is Simon, they aren’t buying it because Simon was supposed to have died six years ago. Tommy is furious and accuses Simon of identity theft – he orders the cops to lock Simon up and says that he knows Rowan.

Camille heads upstairs to bed – Lena returns home and sees her room. She demands to know why Camille did it. She scoffs “How is Ben? Do you guys hang out a lot?” Lena slams her door and storms off.

Later that night Tommy waits until Rowan is asleep and he slips out of bed, he heads upstairs in to the attic and begins going through old boxes of Rowan’s stuff. He finds a box of photographs – and is shocked when he realizes that Simon is who he claims to be.

Julie tucks Victor in on the couch and he grabs her hand and won’t let her leave, Julie thinks he is scared of the dark and comforts him and then heads in to her room. She breaks down and begins sobbing. Victor grabs a pen and paper off the table next to the couch and begins coloring a picture of a black hole underneath the town. In her room Julie gets undressed – and she has a scar on her stomach, she was one of the girls that had the mysterious symbol carved in her stomach, and she survived.



Amanda Austin:
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