Kate Middleton Disgusted With Prince Harry’s Secret Orlando Trysts: Demands Party Prince Find Royal Bride?

It would come as no surprise if Prince Harry had a secret tryst or two while in Orlando for the Invictis Games. Kate Middleton is ready for Harry to find a Royal bride and must be completely disgusted that Harry, yet again, couldn’t resist partying with a bevy of beauties.

Did the ladies also need to surrender any type of technology that could be used to take photos or record the evening? if Harry didn’t then he learned nothing from the naked partying scandal following a
weekend filled with debauchery in Las Vegas!

Hopefully Prince Harry was smart enough to ask any newfound lady friends to sign confidentiality agreements before joining the prince for an intimate evening.

The Kate Middleton has been after Prince Harry to reunite with Chelsy Davy, put an engagement ring on her finger, set a wedding date and be done with it.

Prince Harry, however, has admitted he has intense anxiety over dating. The world’s scrutiny of any woman he chooses scares Harry beyond reason.

At this point Kate Middleton would probably welcome anyone with a decent pedigree as a future sister-in-law – except Cressida Bonas. The Duchess of Cambridge doesn’t want that particular woman anywhere near Prince Harry.

Why not Cressida? She has a bit of aristocracy in her background. Much, much more than Kate the commoner. Cressida Bonas, if you’ll remember, is the half-sister of Isabella Calthorpe.

Isabella is the woman Prince William tried to woo while on a break from Kate Middleton back in 2007. When Isabella Calthorpe turned her nose up at the future King he ran back to Kate as quickly as he could.

There’s already enough trouble in the not so fairy tale Cambridge marriage. As you can imagine, putting that temptation in William’s path is out of the question. Women do like a married prince, just ask Prince Charles. Imagine if Isabella became Prince William’s version of Camilla Parker-Bowles?

Kate Middleton needs a sister-in-law to take some of the constant attention off her Royal marriage. The pressure is on Prince Harry to find a suitable, or at the very least a somewhat suitable, Royal bride. Is Chelsy Davy available? Check out CDL often for all your Royal news and gossip!

Image Credit: FameFlynet

Olivia Marie:
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